Up in the Air

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'Right, it's now or never, Ashton,' I think to myself. I walk over to the sofa, and sit on the back, looking down at Evelyn, "Hey... Can I ask you something?"

"Depends what you're asking?" She looks up at me from her phone, grinning.

She looks so beautiful, her long hair spread out around her head on the cushion, almost like a halo. She really was something else. She didn't care what people thought of her, didn't care what they said about her. Her confidence was breathtaking.

She was so proud in herself, so sure of who she was, who she wanted to be, and never let anyone bully her into being anything else. She had the purest heart, the sincerest smile, and the most humble way about her. I felt so honored to even be around someone like that. To be around her!

"Promise that you won't laugh?"

"I don't make promises I can't keep," Her grin slipping into a small smile, and I nod, "are you okay, baby?" She stroked my cheek lightly, and I take her hand in mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile.

She sits up, tightening the grip on my hand reassuringly while telling me, "are you sure? I hope it's nothing too serious." Her fingers gently running through my hair.

"Remember when, wait no, um... That's not what I meant. I mean like, you had your dance thing, right?" I was so nervous, she hadn't ever mentioned it, and I just wanted her to know.

Her hands quickly fell into her lap, and she tensed slightly, "Yeah?"

She looked sad almost, I didn't want her to be sad, I wanted her to be happy about this. I wanted what I was trying to ask her, to be something special. I quickly held up my hand signalling for her to wait as I got an idea, I walked over to the stereo, and pressed play on the CD that I had put in there earlier. I turned back to her as Up in the Air by 30 Seconds to Mars began to play, and smiled at her when her eyes widened.

"Ash..." She whispered.

"Dance with me?" I said quickly.

The smile on her face was priceless, and I think, if possible, I fell even more in love with her. She jumped up from the sofa, running over to me, and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "So you actually," she said quietly, looking at me, "you went?"

"I wouldn't of missed it for the world." I kissed her sweetly, her lips the usual taste of cherries.

She pulled back, biting her lip, and taking my hand, "I'm not getting upside down on a chair though." She laughed, pulling me to the open space in the living room.

"Good," my free hand coming around to rest on her back, and bringing her close to me, "because the only place I want you, is right beside me." I pressed our bodies together.

We started moving, slowly getting accustomed to the beat of the music, the way Evie moved was flawless. I, on the other hand, am not the best at dancing, and she can tell I'm a little nervous. She kissed my throat tenderly, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck, getting even closer, "I love you." She said against my skin, and I closed my eyes because even though it wasn't the first time, the fact that she was saying it just made me feel like I was home.

The song slowly died down, and I pulled back, causing her to look up at me. Her eyes were so bright, and I did the only thing my brain could manage, I bent down slightly, grabbing her by the back of her thighs, and pulled her up. Her legs were instantly wrapped around my waist, her arms around my neck, and I slowly carried her up the stairs. Placing her down gently on the bed in my room.

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