Tell Her

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I sat on the sofa putting some new strings on my bass. It was quiet in the house. Luke was out with Tracy, Michael had gone out to lunch with his mum and to do some shopping. It still makes me laugh that he goes shopping with his mum, even now, but it was sweet all the same. Sophia was taking her final exam today so I was just wasting time until I had to go collect Evie from the airport. She was coming back tonight but I still had a few hours before I had to leave.

I heard movement coming from upstairs, then a door open and close. Rushed footsteps came down the stairs. I let out a sigh as I hear rustling and cupboards having things moved around in them. It wasn't two minutes later when Ashton came and sat down next to me. I look at him for a moment while he takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Your face looks better." I grin.

He chewed on his food then swallowed before speaking, "thanks," he laughed, stroking his jaw, "am I ready to go back to my modelling then?"

"Nah, it's still your face." He punches my arm and we laugh loudly.

Okay, so maybe I hadn't killed him when he finally decided to show his face after disappearing on us, and we'd called practically every single person we knew, and I mean every single person. He had text his mum a few hours after we had started looking for him, letting her know that he was fine and he would be coming home a few days later. I knew that someone we had called was with him, or knew where he was because it was too much of a coincidence. We then made the calls to tell everyone he'd be found.

Four days later he arrived at his mum's doorstep. She gave him a good talking to, then rang us to let us know he was back. Me and the guys, plus Soph and Tracy, got there as quickly as we could. When Ann opened the door Ashton had come into the hallway, I moved towards him quickly and without a second thought, I punched him. I'd hit him so hard he fell to the floor.

"What the fuck is your crazy?" I'd screamed at him, "do you know how fucking worried we were about you, you selfish arsehole?"

I had watched as he lay on the floor in shock, just looking up at me. I could hear Soph whispering something to Ann behind me, she was obviously holding them all back.

"Well, get the fuck up then!" I'd told him.

I had watched him as he slowly stood, our eyes never losing contact, and he looked so nervous. I was shaking because I was so angry at him, but once he was standing up straight and we were face to face, all of that anger was replaced with relief. I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. He'd laughed slightly, hugging back.

"Don't laugh, you dick! I was so fucking worried about you." I'd said to him.

"I'm sorry. I just needed some time alone." He'd replied.

"Next time just tell us before you go, okay?" I had pulled away to look at him.

"Okay." He nodded.

Ashton and I sat quietly. He ate his sandwich while I finished with the strings on my bass. I would glance at him occasionally, he was staring out into space, not even paying attention when bringing his food up to his mouth, yet not dropping a single crumb. That was a true talent.

I was kind of glad that he took his little break, not that I'd ever tell him that. He looked about five years younger, even though he had his usual stubble. Wherever he had gone, it did him good. He's been a lot better since he's been back, he doesn't lose his temper as easily as he did before, and the laughing, I didn't realise how much I'd missed it until I got to hear it again.

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