Just So You Know - pt.1

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I walked out of the bathroom after my shower, towel low around my waist, another I was using to rub at my wet hair. The house was empty. I had no idea where the guys had gone, I honestly didn't care, it was just nice to have some peace and quiet. I go over to my wardrobe and pull out some black skinny jeans, placing them onto the bed. At my dresser I pick out some boxers, I don't bother with a shirt, but then remember I'd have to open the door soon, so I reached in grabbing a plain black vest.

Going back to the bathroom, I brush my teeth, and drop both towels into the wash basket before I get dressed. Just as I finish up with my hair, quickly running my fingers through it, my phone rings. I can't help but smile, but quickly let out a sigh when I see it's only my mum calling. Then, because it was almost that time, I do the one thing I promised I never would, the thing I should never do because it was my mum, but I just didn't have time. So, I put the phone down on my desk, and walked out of the room, as if I'd never even heard it.

The doorbell goes off just as I get to the bottom of the stairs. I smile, then cough quickly, composing myself. I take a breath opening the door, I know who it is, but my mouth hangs open as I take in the sight in front of me.

My eyes travel all the way down to the biker boots on her feet, slowly rising, taking in the shape of her legs, the way the skirt falls over her arse. The soft leather jacket that hangs on her body perfectly. Her hair falling freely over her shoulders. She turns to me, and I'm practically speechless. She looks amazing. With a slight smile she walks past me into the house. I'm stunned for a moment before closing the door.

I meet her in the living room, where she's already on the sofa, flipping through the pages of Luke's latest Guitar magazine, foot resting on the edge of the coffee table. I look her up and down once again, stopping on her leg. Is it normal to be turned on by someone's knee? Probably not but I can't help thinking how much I want to touch and kiss it. It's right there, but it would be a little awkward if I just went over, got down on the floor then licked her knee.

"You're wearing a dress." I manage to breathe out.

"Yeah, got a date. Thought I'd make some sort of effort." She shrugs, not taking her eyes from the magazine.

"A date?" I say tightly, "who with?"

"Just some guy I met a couple of weeks ago." She continues looking through the magazine.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask.

"Sure. Don't have to be there until nine so I've got time." She finally looks up at me, and I run.

Okay, so I didn't literally run into the kitchen, but I needed to get away quickly. She has a date. Why did she come over if she has a date? I look up at the clock on the wall, six thirty, and she had to be there for nine. That doesn't give us much time. I wanted to talk to her but that's not going to happen, not now.

I went over to the cupboard looking at what we had. I needed something to hit the spot and smile when seeing the bottle of Bourbon at the back. I take it out and carefully pour it into two glasses before putting it back in it's place. I drop two ice cubes into each drink then go back to the living room, sitting down next to her.

I watch as she takes a sip of the the sweet liquid, licking her lips after, an almost inaudible moan rising in her throat. "Bourbon?" She smiles, "you shouldn't have."

This felt so strange, we've been at this for roughly five months but yet things haven't seemed to change. We weren't together, we weren't friends and I was honestly so lost with everything. I quickly down my drink, Dutch courage and all that, placing my glass onto the coffee table. She put hers down not long after.

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