Cut Up Angels

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I paced the living room, hands on my hips, jaw clenched tight, and trying so hard to control myself right now. This was just getting ridiculous, and I couldn't help but glare at the pair sitting on the sofa, one either end, bodies facing away from each other slightly, eyes wandering anywhere but at one another.

This had been progressively getting worse for the past six weeks, ever since we got back from tour. We weren't even gone that long, and I honestly don't understand what happened to cause this. When we left they were fine, as close as ever, then we come back, and they've been giving each other the cold shoulder as if they had been doing it their whole lives.

I tried to ask them what was going on, we all did but the answer was always the same, 'we're fine', 'nothing's wrong', 'I don't know what you're talking about', and it was really starting to annoy everyone. We couldn't hang out without an argument happening, if we were doing something as a group, they'd ask if the other was going because if one went the other wouldn't, and there have even been times where neither showed up because they didn't believe us about who would be at a certain place.

But this was just taking it too far. Not only had they taken to shouting at each other recently but also us. When they arrived at my parents house today, realising that we'd lied about the other joining, they had gone crazy, as if them being in the same room would kill them. That wasn't what had gotten my blood boiling though, no, they had started arguing, yet again, this time about the insane loop hole in Terminator.

They argued, and shouted like it was the most important thing in the world, both stubborn to their opinion, and completely convinced that their way, was the right way. The others and I had sat in shock as they stood, both stepping up as if they were trying to call the other out for a fight.

I had sat watching, mouth open in horror at my two friends, and the vile words they spat at each other, until they tried to nudge each other, knocking at the table next to the sofa, and causing a picture of my parents to fall to the ground, cracking the glass in the frame. That's when I had lost it, argue all you want but don't disrespect other people's things. Though they had both looked shocked when it happened, it caused them to stop, at least, and both glanced at me apologetically.

That's how we ended up here.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I yell, picking up the broken photo frame on the table, "do you see what all this petty fighting has done?"

"It's just a frame. I'll get you a knew one." Ashton replied, his hand waving in dismissal.

"It's not about the frame, Ashton. What the hell is going on with you two? You were literally about to fight because of a fucking movie!" I really tried to keep my cool but he makes it so hard these days, it's like he's become a different person since being back.

"Sorry, Calum." Evelyn says quietly, eyes down. At least she seemed to understand how ridiculous this situation was, "it won't happen again."

"No, it won't. At least not here." I put the frame back onto the side table by the sofa.

"I'll get you a new one, if you want?" Evie, looks up at me, her face showing embarrassment.

Evelyn, or Evie to us, was kind and sweet. I had honestly never met anyone like her. She always thought of others before herself, she would help out with everyone in any way she could, and she smiled, always, at anyone who glanced her way. I remember once, when we were 13, I had asked her why she always smiled, I knew she had bad days like everyone else but she never had a frown. She had told me something that had always stuck in my mind;

It's better to be the one who smiles than to be the one who doesn't smile back.

Admittedly, I never took that as something to live by, I prefer to just be neutral, with a small nod, or a slight smile. Though, I can't deny that whenever I have a bad day, Evie is the first person I turn to. Whether it be a phone call or we meet up somewhere, she can always spare a minute for you, and that's something special in my eyes.

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