Say Anything

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I glanced at the clock on the dashboard of my car. Wow, I've been sitting here for twenty minutes, way to look creepy, Luke, although, Evie hadn't come out at all, so maybe she didn't notice when I parked up outside. She might be busy, she might not even be home. What am I talking about? Of course she's home! I messaged her saying I was coming over, and she said she was home all day, so she's definitely home.

Something could have come up, she could have gone out though, for milk or something. Yeah, that's it. I'll just wait until she gets home from the shop... From getting milk. I glance up at the house, swallowing slowly as I see Evie dancing around through the living room window. She is home then.

I took a deep breath, you can do this Luke, you're just hanging out with your friend, no big deal. Just two friends hanging out on an otherwise boring day, eating junk food, watching movies... And talking about someone she hates, well trying anyway. I sigh deeply, stepping out of the car, and checking it was locked. Three times. You know, just in case.

I slowly walked up the path, letting my hand rest on the door handle for a second before walking inside. Evie had the music turned up loud, and I went into the living room, seeing her dancing along to Room 94's Dirty Dancing on top of the coffee table. The sight made me laugh, making her stop, looking at me, and smiling.

She jumped off the table, turning the music down before running to me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. She placed a quick kiss on my cheek, "what took you so long?"

"Oh, I got caught up with something." I say quickly, taking a seat on the sofa.

"Wow, I didn't realise cars were that interesting. Unless you're kind of in love with yours? Then that's your business. Each to their own." She laughs, sitting next to me, resting her legs on my lap.

"What? Ew. What?" I laugh, choking on air slightly, as I subconsciously start to rub her calf.

"I saw you, Luke."

I look at her, "I don't know what you mean."

"Well, unless you were explaining to your car that you're not cheating on it with me, then I don't understand why you just sat outside for twenty minutes," Shit, she had seen me, my eyes widened, "so, are you going to tell me what is going on?"

"There's nothing going..." She cuts me off quickly.

"Luke!" She sits up, pulling her legs from me.

She moves closer, looking deep into my eyes, I hate it when she does this, it's like she's reading me, this is why I could never lie to her. Her eyes moved rapidly, staring at me, not blinking, in fact, it was kind of creepy but I can't look away, she would definitely know something was up then, I just had to remain calm, keep my cool, and relax. I hope she stops soon though, I don't know how long I can do this, apparently not long, since I didn't even realise what I was doing when I said quietly, "Evie."

"I knew it," she hit my arm, "why are you here, Luke?"

"Ow," I pouted, rubbing my arm, "what was that for?"

"Don't lie to me, there's nothing I hate more than liars." She shook her head at me.

"You lie too!" I exclaimed.

"When have I ever lied?"

"About being okay." I said quietly, I saw her open her mouth to protest, then closed it again, her jaw tightening.

"I'm fine." She said, trying to sound relaxed, even though I could tell she was anything but.

I let out a deep breath, laying down on the sofa with my head in her lap, knees close to my chest. I smiled sadly, feeling her fingers slowly run through my hair. I loved how caring she was, so sweet, and gentle with everyone, and everything. I just wish she'd talk to me, to anyone. I know she's sad, I just don't understand why she doesn't talk about it. It's okay to be sad sometimes, it just shows you're human.

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