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How the hell am I going to get this guy to just shut up? You don't like her, I get it. Doesn't mean I have to sit here, and listen to you whine like a little bitch about it! I pause my game, taking a deep breath before turning to look at him.

He hasn't even noticed, just rambling on to himself like his life depended on it. I decided to abandon my game, getting up, and grabbing Ashton's hand so I can drag him upstairs. I push him into his room, shut the door behind me, and then throw myself on his bed.

He looks at me in shock, "don't look so surprised. Come on, talk."

"About what?" He sighs, dropping the shopping bag he was holding onto the bed.

"Evie. You walked in fine, you saw her, she saw you, she left, and you haven't stopped mumbling about how much you hate her since. So talk!" I kicked at the bag slightly, getting curious as to what was inside. Ashton tensed, jaw tight as he began to pace along the end of the bed.

I never understood why he got the biggest room in the house. He had an en suite, that's not even fair. He stopped at his desk, leaning against it with arms crossed. He look over at his window, sighing loudly. The look in his eyes was different, not anger but confusion almost, like he was fighting with himself.

"It's easy to get lost in it, I guess." He shrugs.

"Lost in what?" I sit up, moving towards the bag.

"The hate."

"You don't hate her." I peek into the bag, making sure he doesn't see me.

"I know." He says in a whisper.

I don't even register the words, reaching into the bag, and pulling out the item, holding it up, "who is this for?"

He snatched the leather jacket from my hands, "that's none of your business." He shoved the jacket back into the bag, and puts it at the bottom of his wardrobe.

"Fine." I huff.

"So are you going to talk then?" He asks, moving to sit on his desk chair.

"Who's the lucky girl this time?" I say with a smirk, "because that's not a guy's jacket."

"Alright, I think your time's up, Mike." He motions towards the door.

"You can't keep doing this, you know?" I sigh, walking towards the door.

"Doing what?" He asks.

"Shutting us out," I look back at him sadly, "one day you're going to need us, and we may not be there anymore. Just think about that." Then I left.

× × ×

"Please, please, please. I need you to help me."

Can no one just leave me alone to play my game in peace today? I look at Luke, shutting the fridge door. His eyes wide like a kitten begging for cuddles, hands together as if he was praying for me to agree to help him. I don't even know what he wants because I wasn't listening. Don't talk to me when I'm trying to get food, I'm in my zone.

"What am I helping with?" He mumbles something back, looking at the floor as his face goes red, "what?"

"I want to ask someone out." He repeats so I can understand him, still looking at the ground.

"Well, you've come to the right place." I grin.

× × ×

The next morning we were standing outside the diner.

"This is stupid." Luke grumbles.

"Shut up, this is amazing!" Evie claps happily.

I had called Evie for some extra support for Luke. He's shy, and not the best around people he has a crush on. He hasn't been with anyone in a while, and for him to come to me, he must really like this girl. I don't blame him, she is pretty cute, funny, and to be honest, I'd ask her out if he didn't like her. But he does, so no!

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