Mr. Brownstone - pt.1

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I had called Evie after what had happened last week, she wasn't happy. It took four attempts before she stopped hanging up on me, three to get her to actually stop cutting me off, and me hanging up on her. I eventually said what I had to say, getting her to agree to meet up with me.

Calum and Luke had gone out to a bar with some friends, and Michael was spending the night at his parents, meaning that I pretty much had the house to myself. The guys didn't know I was here. I still haven't come back, especially after the fight, but I needed to see her, to try to explain, to get her to understand. We had both done wrong, and we may not be able to be friends with each other but at least be civil because of the others. They were obviously affected by this a lot.

I looked up at the clock, it was 22:30, she was late, typical Evie. I don't remember her ever being early for anything, that was just how she was. She always had some story though, whether she had to stay back to help her parents with something, or she found a stray animal on the street.

My personal favourites were when she would see a homeless person, get them something to eat, and then drop them off at the nearest shelter, or hostel. Baring in mind that she didn't have a car, and walked them to wherever it was. Sometimes she wouldn't eat because she spent her money on them.

The knock on the door startled me, pulling me from my thoughts. I got up from the sofa, walking to the door, opening it slowly. Evie stood there, black skinny jeans, a Deftones tshirt, black Converse, bag over her shoulder, and her trusty leather jacket no where to be seen. She never goes anywhere without it, and it was a particularly chilly night. I didn't mention it though.

I moved to the side letting her walk in, she had her head down, and her arms wrapped around her tightly. She stopped in the hall, waiting for me to shut the door, and tell her where to go. I don't know why, she knew the house already, even though we hadn't been here long. I walk towards the living room, motioning for her to follow, which she did, putting her bag on the coffee table, and sitting down on the sofa next to me but with enough distance between us to accommodate the elephant in the room.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked, trying to sound as civil as possible, and break up the tension in the room. She just shook her head.

So, that didn't work. This was a lot harder than I thought, I had planned out everything I wanted to say, I had even practiced. We haven't had a proper conversation since the time she introduced us to Alex, and that ended in a fight. Every time since then we've fought, so this wasn't going to be easy.

"Should we get started?" I asked, nervously rubbing my hands on my jeans.

"You called me." She replied, never taking her eyes off the floor.

"More than once." I say.

"And why would I want to talk to you after everything? After what you did to Calum." She spat, but her voice was quiet, finally looking at me.

"He grabbed me!"

"So you punch him in the face?"

"It was an accident."

"Some accident." She scoffed, laying back into the sofa, arms crossed over her chest.

"I was just angry, okay? I tried to apologise but he threw himself at me before I could." I tried to explain to her.

She sat quietly for a moment, I could see she was trying to put everything together in her head, taking care before saying anything. She grazed her teeth on her bottom lip repeatedly, something she always did when thinking. I waited for what she had to say, watching as her lip became redder with each swipe of her teeth.

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