As she slowly opened her eyes, she looked down at the bloody mess that was her arm, with deep crimson gashes in it. With coincidental timing, her drug had started to wear off, Amelia only being able to move her fingers slightly. As her eyes panned up to see Bucky lying on the floor and Rebekah pulling her top down. Amelia closed her eyes once more, not wanting to have any image of that scene in her head.

"Rebekah- Murphy, please, just let me help her. Please." Bucky begged, sitting up on his knees.

"Fine, Jesus Christ you're like a dog that doesn't fucking shut up." She wafted her hand at him.

As Bucky rushed over to Amelia, he swatted Murphy's hand off her head, "Fuck off Murphy, you've have your fun." He pushed him back. Bucky's hands shook as he took off Amelia's gag and wrist restraints. Her still not opening her eyes. "Amelia?" His voice quivered.

She couldn't bare to look at him.

"Can I have some fucking bandages or something?!" Bucky yelled back to the pair who just stood their watching. Bucky tried to cover the deep wounds with his hands to stop the bleeding, but she had clearly lost nearly a liter of blood already. "I- I'm sorry! I'm s- so sorry Amelia!" Bucky held back a sob.

Amelia opened her eyes slowly to look at him, but as his eyes met her, she found herself unable to do it. She had to look away, only being able to focus on Murphy, the person who caused this pain. All Amelia could do was stay there a deal with the pain, both physical and emotional, as Bucky tried his best to help her. At this point, Amelia could care if the drug had worn off or not.

"She's gonna fucking bleed out here! Do you hear me!" Bucky once again yelled back, and the pair once again, didn't care. "Fuck it." Bucky tore a part of Amelia's top off and wrapped it around her wounds, it not doing much.  As he did so, he noticed that she had already done that before. He started to scan her body to see if he could spot where she had wrapped her make-shift tourniquet, but he couldn't find the wound.

"Stop." Amelia weakly spoke. Bucky's face lit up, hearing her speak, not caring what she said. She looked down at him, staring at his puppy dog eyes, feeling nothing.

Bucky got up from his knees and tried to kiss her, but Amelia's head dodged him, his lips landing on her cheek. "Amelia..."

"I'll heal." A simple answer that meant much more than what she intended.


Nearly an hour had passed. Amelia could feel herself move again, but still not having enough energy to do anything. She wasn't much of a threat at this time to Rebekah and Murphy, so she wasn't strapped down to the chair. Bucky however was strapped back down after a useless attempt to knock out Murphy.

"You're not healing..." Murphy noted to Amelia, who was still bleeding through the T-shirt tourniquet.

Amelia glanced up at him through her eyebrows, "why do you care?"

"I just thought you would have done it by now." He lay his hand on her shoulder.

Amelia placed her hand over one part of her wounds, and tried healing it. She only managed to heal it to a scar, her body feeling too weak to do much more. That alone made her light headed. "I... I can't heal anymore... I haven't eaten or drank anything since I got here, it's been what... days? I'm too weak."

"At least give her some water Murphy." Bucky piped up. Amelia just glanced at him, not saying anything, she didn't need to. He knew she was hurting. Murphy fetched her a small cup of water, letting her drink it herself.

"Thank you." She said shy, trying not to say the wrong thing. "Can I ask where my friend is?" She pondered as she hadn't seen Peter since she was drugged.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about him..." Murphy went over to peters room and pulled him out. Peter having no clue what had happened, he could just see Amelia with her cuts over her arms.

"Oh my god, Amelia-" Peter didn't get much chance to speak before Amelia barged into him for a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said in a choked whisper to him before releasing the hug.

"I'm fine.. are you?" Peter looked her up and down, see how much of a mess she looked.

"Don't worry about me, please." She forced a smile.

Murphy stood aside from Bucky watching them. "Naw, isn't that nice, friends seeing each other for the last time." He mocked.

"What?" Amelia responded confused.

Murphy pulled out a gun from his back pocket and fired it straight at Amelia. She gasped as her life flashed before her, her eyes shut tight. She felt that something was off, nothing felt wrong, like a bullet should. She opened one eye, then the other. Amelia felt herself train pale as Peter was stood in front of her.

The bullet had shot right through his stomach. In and out, a clean shot. Pretty lucky in some cases, but not Peters. His breath began to hitch as he gasped before falling to the floor. Amelia managed to catch him and gently lowered him to the ground. "Shit! Peter! Fuck!" She began to panic.

"Amelia..." Peter tried to speak.

She shushed him as she held her hands over the exit wound of the bullet, blood continuing to poor out. "It's okay Peter, You're gonna be okay. It's fine."

It took Bucky a second to comprehend what had just happened. "That's for pulling a stunt earlier." Murphy chucked the gun into Bucky's lap. "You knew there would be consequences for tried to attack me..." He tutted.

"Amelia I- I don't feel so good." Peter grew more shaky as the bleeding continued.

"I- I'm trying Peter, I'm trying to heal you but... FUCK!" Amelia lashed out, her frustration getting the better of her. Amelia looked around to Murphy and the other, seeing their faces practically blank. "Get me something to stop the bleeding! He's gonna die!"

"You can heal him." Rebekah said simply.

Amelia looked up in confusion.

"Just heal him. You've done it before. And besides it he dies... that's on you." Rebekah spoke manipulatively.

Amelia looked back at Peter who was whiter than paper covered in red. Splutters of blood landed on his face as he coughed. She tried to focus all her energy on healing Peter, but it was no use, the damage was too much. "Peter? Stay with me alright?" Amelia pleaded, pressing down on peters bleeding stomach, "please?" Amelia began to apologise and sob between chocked cries. Her hands shook, letting out cried winces each time Peter let out a broken groan out of his blood soaked lips. "P-please, please... Peter, please don't leave me, come on..."

It was as if Amelia could feel Peters life drain through her hands. "...Peter?" She shakily lifted her crimson covered hands to her face.

"Well..." Rebekah tutted, "looks like you fucked that up" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Rebekah! Just shut up!" Bucky added in, a crack in his voice came out, holding back his emotions. Murphy nudged her with his elbow to gesture that she had said enough.

Amelia refused to believe that was gone, "Peter?" She kept repeating, sitting in a pool of blood.


Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now