Chapter 13

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Amelia had fallen asleep on Bucky's shoulder, waiting for the nurses to finish examining Steve. Bucky put his arm around her, pulling her closer and making sure she was comfortable. "Hey Sam..." Bucky whispered softly, not wanting to disturb her. "Did you see what happened in there, what she did?" Bucky had caution in his voice.

Sam moved seats so that he was next to Bucky, instead of across from him. "My back was to window. I only saw what happened when you shouted me" Bucky had only briefly told Sam about what happened between him and Amelia back in England. The only person he had told in detail was Steve, and now he might not even remember Bucky telling him. "Why, do you think she did something?" Sam questioned.

Bucky groaned softly, knowing that he would have to tell him about Amelia's visions. "She's different Sam, not like me and Steve. But she's definitely something else." Sam looked at him like he was crazy. "I'm being serious. She's been in my head, saw my past. She knew everything."

"Everything?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Everything that happened with hydra, the war, my entire life. She saw it. She could actually see it." His voice became saddened, thinking back about how much pain Amelia felt when it happened.

Sam looked over at Amelia, who was still sleeping on Bucky. "Are you sure? I mean I'm not saying she lied, but how do you know she's didn't just look you up?"

"She's not like that Sam. I don't know how to explain it, but something happened when she saw it. It's like she was actually there, how she described things... you couldn't read that much detail in a museum." Bucky stroked Amelia's hair, tucking it behind her ear as she moved around, getting comfortable once again.

"So what, she saw Steve's past and that's why he woke up? Just like that?" Sam questioned once again, his voice lowered in case Amelia could hear him.

Bucky explained about how Amelia had told him that she was able to take some of Steve's pain when she held his hand. He knew Amelia had definitely had some influence on Steve waking up.

One of the nurses came out of Steve's room and headed towards them. Bucky sat up, waking Amelia up in the process. She rubbed her eyes, feeling better after having a rest. "How is he?" Sam stood up to talk to the nurse.

"He's doing better than expected. We've taken out the rest of his tubes, but he's still a little weak, so I'd go easy on him." She explained as the others nodded. "If he's feeling up to it, he should be able to be discharged later today, but he'd need to stay on bed rest." Their faces lit up hearing the good news. The nurse informed them that they were able to go and see him, as they were finished examining him.

Peter was the first one to rush in to the room, perching himself on Steve's bed, proceeding to fill him in on everything that's happened whilst he's been there. "Kid, you heard what the nurse said. Just take it easy yeah?" Sam said walking in to the room, Bucky and Amelia following in behind him.

Bucky leant over to Steve, giving him a hug, "How are you feeling?" He gently patted his back, before letting go and sitting back down next to Amelia.

Steve chuckled, holding his bruised side, "A little sore, but I'd say not too bad for someone who was blown up." He glanced over to Amelia, who was anxiously fiddling with her fingernails. "Is this her?" Amelia perked her head up. She didn't know Bucky had told him about her, she had hoped it was only good things.

"That's Amelia, Mr. Bucky's 'not' girlfriend." Peter smiled over to the pair, as if congratulating himself on specifically not calling her Bucky's girlfriend. They both became embarrassed yet again, Amelia more so.

"Well, its nice to meet you" Steve leaned back in his bed, trying to get comfortable despite aching all over.

"Bucky's told me many stories about you, my favourite being about the newspaper in your shoes." She gave a little laugh, looking over at Bucky.

Steve gave Bucky a joking death stare, "It was one time, okay. Why do you always tell people that story, and not one that makes me look cool."

"Because telling people that one makes me seem like the cool friend." Bucky smirked at him. Amelia could see the real friendship that they had. It made her smile being around Bucky's people, seeing him in his element. But she knew that she wouldn't be there forever, She'd have to tell him that she had to go back soon, especially because Steve was in the clear now.

Amelia had left Steve's room and gone out to the front of the hospital to have a cigarette. Bucky joined her a few moments later, sensing that something wasn't quite right. Amelia put on a smile as she saw him walk through the doors.

"I know somethings bothering you, what's up?" He leaned against the wall with her.

Amelia had a glum look on her face, "Just thinking about how I have to go back home now." Bucky gently help her hand by his side.

"Who says you have to go so soon?" He looked at her with sad puppy eyes.

"Steve's better now. Plus I have responsibilities to take care of... Alpine remember? I can't leave him for too long. Besides I don't think Steve likes me." Amelia took a drag of her cigarette, her head looking down feeling slightly homesick.

"Are you kidding? Steve thinks you're great, and trust me you'd know if he didn't." He gave her hand a squeeze, trying to comfort her. Amelia put out her cigarette on the floor, stepping on it. "Besides, you've only been gone a night, Alpine will be fine." Bucky moved his hand to be around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Steve's going to spend the rest of his recovery over at the compound. We should go round there tonight, Nat said that the teams having a couple of drinks to welcome Steve back."

Amelia became very anxious thinking about meeting the rest of his friends, especially as she was unsure on what her and Bucky actually were. She leant her head against Bucky's chest, looking at the ground. "What are we Buck?" She sighed.

Bucky lifted her head up, by placing his hand on her chin. "Hey... Don't worry about that. It doesn't matter what we are, we don't have to put a label on it yet." His sweet smile melted her, he was so caring. Amelia leant up, going on her tiptoes, giving Bucky a small kiss on his lips. "What was that for?" He beamed.

"Just... you...being you." She pressed her lips together feeling giddy and warm inside. Amelia pressed herself against his body, hugging him tightly. Bucky placed a hand on the back of her head, stroking her hair, her head buried in his chest. He was glad that she couldn't see the embarrassing grin he had on his face. He was completely taken by her.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now