Chapter 22

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Once Amelia had arrived on Asgard, she was escorted to the cells. Feeling scared and anxious after being separated from Bucky and the others, Loki had stuck by her side. She had been placed in one of the royal chamber cells, with the highest security, Loki also keeping guard.

With her hands still cuffed, Amelia felt too weak to try and do anything. She thought it would be better to just wait it out, or at least until the other had sorted something out.

Amelia's cell was practically a bedroom, it was the most luxurious cell you could imagine, but she still felt trapped. If Asgard was meant to be her true home, then why did she feel so alone?


Thor had taken Steve, Bucky, and Nat to one of the rooms where they could all discuss in private. Bucky sat down next to Steve, his legs jittering, worried about Amelia. "What's gonna happen to her?" Bucky's voice had a slight shake in it.

"Until I can determine that she's not a threat, unlike her mother, she will remain where she is." Thor's face stayed stern and serious.

Steve piped up, "oh come on, you don't really believe she's a treat do you?"

Thor sighed, leaning his elbows on the table. "I'm not taking any chances, she was banished for a reason. Her powers are too big a threat to take a chance on, until we know she won't side with Hela."

"Wait, wait, tell us more about Hela, and why Amelia is such a big threat." Nat questioned, feeling concerned for her friend. Apart from Bucky, the others didn't really know much about Amelia, and even so, Bucky knew nothing about this side of her. None of them did.

"Hela, my sister, my fathers firstborn, is the goddess of death. She's currently imprisoned in another realm. However, with Amelia's powers surfacing, Hela's growing stronger, I can feel it." Thor continued to explain. "Amelia was born out of wedlock. My sister had tricked a midgardian man into being with her, before killing him afterwards."

"Wait. So she killed the guy after she..." Steve's face was mortified.

"Yes, very sad, anyways." Thor bypassed the topic. Bucky and Steve looked at each other, and then back at Nat, her shrugging her shoulders. "This means that Amelia was born a Demi-God... the goddess of fear to be precise." Thor looked down at his hands then back up to the others, their faces in disbelief.

"Amelia... the goddess of fear?" Bucky said looking between Thor and Steve. "She couldn't hurt a fly. I- I mean she's hardly 'scary' is she?" Bucky chuckled slightly, hoping Thor was wrong.

"Bucky's got a point. I mean she healed me when I was in a coma for Christ sake, I wouldn't call that evil." Steve added.

Thor let out a sigh, "This is just the beginning of her power, if she doesn't learn to control it... it could consume her. Or worse, she ends up taking Hela's side."

Bucky, Steve, and Nat shared a look between them. "So what do we do?" Bucky's voice became serious.


It had been a few hours since Amelia had been taken to her cell. In this time she had managed to fall asleep leaning against the wall, the journey through the bifrost tiring her out.

Her eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the harsh white light, to see Loki standing in the corner of the cell. "W- what are you doing in here?" She attempted to rub her eyes, but remembered that her hands were still cuffed.

"I thought you might be more comfortable with those off." She smiled softly at her, before waving his hand making the handcuffs disappear.

"Uh, thanks." Amelia seemed confused as she rubbed her wrists, feeling where the cuffs had dug into her skin. She looked around the room as silence fell, neither of them making conversation.

"I uh... thought you could use some company. These cells can get pretty lonely." Loki perched himself on the edge of the bed next to her.

"I appreciate it, but I don't think you're really meant to be in here." The tone in her voice lowered, remembering that she was meant to be a prisoner.

Loki stood up at her comment. "Oh I'm not really here." A smirk grew across his face. "This is just an projection." He wafted his hand through the air, making some of the particles visible.

"I thought that type of magic didn't work in here?" Amelia stood up and grabbed one of the empty drinking chalices. She stood the other end of the room from Loki, and threw it at him, it goes straight through his projection. Amelia seemed somewhat impressed with it.

"I have my ways..." he looked down at there the chalice had gone through him and chucked. "You know... I could probably teach you how to do this one day." He smiled softly at her, sensing her anxiety.

"Thanks, but I don't even know anything about this. About what I can do." She looked down at her hands, still feeling her power drained. "I don't even know what this is." She sighed.

Loki's projection walked over to her, "don't worry my dear, it'll come to you due time." Amelia laid back on the bed, huffing as her hands rubbed down her face. "I have to be going now, but if you need anything, just call and I'll be here." He nodded at her.

"I... I'd like to see Bucky please." She glanced over at him. He gave her a confirming nod before vanishing before her eyes.

With nothing better to do, she tried to sleep again. It being a couple hours since seeing Loki, and no sign of Bucky, Amelia grew sad. Whilst lying on the bed napping, all that went through Amelia's head were visions of death and destruction. Something different to what she'd seen before, it felt excruciating, being able to feel all the pain everyone was going through all at the same time.

"Doll?" The sound of Bucky's voice woke her up instantly. She wiped her brow from sweating so much before sitting up. "What's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?" He walked towards her worried. Amelia shot up and ran over to Bucky, still having tears in her eyes she tried to hug him. "Doll wait." He said, but Amelia had already tried to wrap her arms around him, then going straight through the projection, almost falling through him.

"You... you're not really here." Her face saddened realising the truth.

"I'm sorry doll, this is as good as I could do." Bucky sighed, wanting nothing more than to hold her tight. "They won't let me down here. But I talked to Loki and he sorted this out for me." He tried to smile, not wanting her to feel worse.

Amelia huffed lying back down on the bed. "It's okay... I just really need you right now." She turned over, facing away from him.

Bucky sat down next to her and went to place a hand on her side, before remembering he couldn't. "I'm know, and I wish I could actually be here, but I'm working on it. We're working on a plan" he said trying to raise her spirits as she turned back to face him. "You'll be out of her soon, I promise."

"I-" Amelia got cut off by the projection of Bucky disappearing. "...fuck" Amelia let out a soft cry to herself, letting her anxieties take over. She wanted to tell Bucky about the nightmare she had, as it wasn't something she'd seen before. She was worried that something bigger than she realised was happening, and that nothing would be able to stop it.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ