Chapter 3

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That night Amelia couldn't settle her mind. She kept thinking about the mysterious man she had met in the café. His slick hair, his course stubble, his steel blue eyes. My god his eyes. She could have starred in to them for eternity. She didn't know why she couldn't stop thinking about him. Was it because of what happened? Or was it because he was the first person to have shown any interest in her in a long time?

She couldn't help but ponder on the images she saw when he grabbed her. Nothing like that had ever happened before, and she didn't know why it happened then. The more she thought about it, the clearer the images became. She remembered seeing a war, but nothing modern, it seemed like it was back in world war two. All the uniforms were old, but the weapons they used seemed very futuristic; this confused her. Other images consisted of people being kept in prison cells, and people speaking a different language, something European maybe. The last images she saw were the ones that scared her the most. They sent a shiver through her body when she though of them. She felt physical pain when remembering back. She envisioned a man being tortured, being forced to kill. She could feel everything he felt, all the pain, all the fear, all the anger he had. She could see every kill that he had made, only briefly but it was enough to make her feel sick. But why did this happen when Bucky touched her, surely it couldn't have been linked to him.


Back at Bucky's hotel room,  he couldn't help but wonder what Amelia was doing. He wanted to see her again, or just talk to her, but he didn't get a chance to ask for her number. He knew he had to try and find her again before he left for America, or he'd never be able to forgive himself. This was also to do with the fact that he felt like what happened in the café was partly his fault. He didn't want to scare her, but he felt like it was something more than just a slight black out; Something his associates would know more about.


Amelia had the next day off again. This wasn't planned but her boss had texted her saying that work was slow and that she wasn't needed. She thought that this was a perfect opportunity edit some of her photos, and also a chance to bump into Bucky again. Amelia thought it was a long shot, but she headed to the café she was at the previous day, hoping that she would see her mystery man again.

She set off early again, in hopes of him being an early riser too. Once she got to the café, she scanned the room looking for him, but she had no luck. She took her regular table, hoping that he would notice her through the window if he walked past. 

An couple hours had passed and there was still no sign of him. she had drunk several tea and coffees, and had finished editing her photos. Amelia didn't want to leave just yet, she didn't have anywhere to be so she didn't mind staying a bit longer. She ordered another coffee and made her way to the book shelves, seeing if there was anything that peaked her interest. As she did, she noticed a tall figure on the other side of the bookshelf, also scanning for a good read.

It was him.

Bucky hadn't noticed her, or at least he pretended he hadn't.

"So what, you're stalking me now?" Amelia joked as she picked a book from the shelf.

He walked around the bookshelf to meet her. He dressed smarter than when she last saw him. He was clean shaven this time, and his hair looked so fluffy, parts dangling in front of his face slightly. He swept his hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear as he looked down at her. He wore a buttoned up checked shirt, which made Amelia blush as she admired his thick arms practically bursting out of the sleeves. The one thing that didn't change about him was the gloves he wore, she didn't question them this time however.

"I could say the same for you" Bucky towered over her. She didn't realise how tall he was as he was mainly sitting down before. He raised a eyebrow as he looked at the book she had picked out. "Romeo and Juliet? Really?"

"What can I say, it's a classic" Amelia remembered that that's what he said when she questioned him about reading the hobbit. She slid past him and the other bookcase, and headed back to her table. Bucky bit his lip slightly, once she was behind him, and scratched the back of his head.

She moved her laptop out the way and placed her book down, taking a sip of her coffee. Bucky followed her and noticed the empty mugs on her table. "been here long?" he gestured to the cups as he sat down uninvitedly.

"Oh, those aren't mine... my friend was here earlier" Amelia didn't want him to know she had been there all day, waiting for him. She didn't want to seem desperate to the guy she couldn't get out of her head. Bucky smirked and nodded, knowing full well that it was a lie.

She noticed Bucky was wearing a pair of dog-tags over his shirt. She was curious about them, so she asked if he had been in the army. As she did, she could tell that his mood had changed instantly.

"something like that yeah" he sighed as he put his tags back in his shirt.

Amelia felt bad that she sit a sore spot with him. "Shit, sorry. I didn't think before asking that. Me and my stupid big mouth!" She put her head in her hands.

"It's okay Doll, I just don't like to think about it that much. It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience..." He didn't mean to call her Doll, it just came out.

She looked at him, a smile grew on her face. "Doll?" She found it odd, he spoke like an old man.

He buried his head in his hands out of embarrassment, as they shared a slight chuckle.

"How old are you anyway?" She realised he was older than her, but she couldn't figure out how old he actually was.

"A hundred and six" He sipped his coffee.

Amelia laughed, "No but seriously,  how old are you?"

"Seriously... I'm a hundred and six..." He said with a stern look on his face.

"Okay, don't tell me, that's fine" she shrugged and finished her coffee.

The two of them talked for a little bit longer, but as much as Amelia was enjoying the conversation she couldn't help but feel like he was still upset that she brought up the dog-tags. She wanted to try to make it up to him, and considering he was only in the city for a couple more days, she made the gesture of asking him to have dinner at her place that night. She didn't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but she wasn't complaining.

"Uhh, sure. I haven't got anything better to do." Bucky tried to keep his cool, but inside he was glowing. He had been longing to spend more time with her.

"Okay, great! Just come round to mine at about 8. You remember where my apartment is right?"

How could he forget, She's been the only thing on his mind since they spoke before. However he didn't want to seem too eager, so he up on a confused face.

"I'll send you my address, what's you're number?" Amelia thought that it was a smooth was of asking for his number, she was quite proud of her self.

They exchange numbers and head out outside, each exchanging a look as they said goodbye, and send in different directions. She couldn't believe she had actually done it. She actually invited him round. Amelia had forgotten one thing... she didn't know how to cook anything.

"Oh Fuck!" She laughed to herself in the street.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now