Chapter 31

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Amelia had slept longer than she wanted to, it being the next day. She stumbled out of peters bedroom still wearing yesterday's clothes, and headed into the kitchen. She heard faint mumbles coming from the others as they sat around the table eating breakfast.

Amelia still felt a ringing in her head from the events of the day before. She walked past everyone and went straight to the counter to get a cup of coffee, her not really wanting to talk to the others. Natasha and Steve shared a concerned look across the table after spotting her. Peter however was too indulged in his food to notice. After pouring the cup of coffee, Amelia headed back to peters room.

She flaked down on peters bed, feeling lost. She didn't know why she felt like this, especially because she had such good news about where Bucky was.

Amelia took a wander around peters room whilst sipping her coffee. His room was like a typical teenager, clothes on the floor, and old food dishes on the desk. Peter had a nerdy collectibles shelf which had bunch of action figures and Funko pops, as well as some comic books. There were a few different sketches taped up to the wall; some of peters ideas for new suits and web shooters.

"Hey." Peters soft voice called from the doorway.

"Hey, sorry, I hope you don't mind me looking round?" Amelia uttered standing next to peters desk.

"No, not at all it fine. How're you feeling?" Peter was genuinely concerned. Seeing him not in a goofy was was weird for Amelia, she'd only really talked to him when he was on one of his tangents.

"Okay I guess," she sipped her coffee. "I might have a shower, try to clear my mind a bit."

"Yeah, that might help." Peter paused. "The others are worried about you, y'know." He stated. Amelia stared blankly back at him. "They know somethings wrong, and they just want to help."

"Somethings wrong?" She air quoted, "how can all of you still sit there and act like everything is fine? It's not fine! Bucky is still out there and so far I've been the only one with a plan on trying to find him!" She raised her voice at him, stepping closer to where he was. "You know what? Fuck you, and fuck them, I've had enough of this bullshit." She stormed passed him and headed to the bathroom.

She leant against the bathroom sink, as the shower warmed up. She stared at herself in the mirror as the steam slowly fogged the corners. Amelia took a long deep breath as she calmed herself down. "Fuck- come on" her voice trembled as she gripped the sink. "Get a hold of your self. You know where he is so why are you like this?" She wiped a tear from her cheek before clearing the mirror of steam. She stood up straight and said to herself "you're Amelia fucking Stone, you're a goddess for fucks sake." She started to laugh at herself as a smile started to appear. She began to undress and step into the shower. As she felt the hot water soak her skin, she began to feel slightly better about finding Bucky, the water relaxing her.

When Amelia opened the door to leave the bathroom, she looked down to see some clothes and a note that read: sorry, Peter. She took the clothes and changed into them. She assuming they were peters due to nasa logo on the front of the hoodie.

Amelia gently knocked on peters door before opening it. "Hey..." she softly spoke, tucking her wet hair behind her ear. She sat down on the end of the bed, Peter turned around in his desk chair to face her. "I'm sorry about before... I just..." she sighed, "I'm just fed up of feeling like I'm the only one trying. I didn't mean to take it out on you." She gave him a slight smile as an apology.

Peter moved out of him chair and headed towards the wardrobe, "it's okay, I understand. I probably would have kicked off too if I was in your position." He admitted whilst going through his clothes and stuffing a few in a bag.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now