Most of the time we would just sit in comfortable silence on the hill. I would read my book while she would sit next to me wanting attention or doing something to occupy her time like dancing.

"So what made you want to go to the museum?" I heard her ask. Okay good, she's starting the conversation.

"The museum has our interest because we both like history and arts. You're into animals and arts and I'm into the culture," I simply explained. The museum we were going to was Wuncler Museum.

I know you might be wondering why I would go to the museum that he put his name in. If I was going by myself, I would avoid it as much as possible, but since this is a date I decided to loosen up.

This is for Jazmine and I want to show her that I'm not too uptight about everything. "That makes perfect senses!" she said in realization.

"Yeah and so our group of friends won't see us. I know for a fact none of them would want to go to a museum on a Saturday night, they're too busy doing something else," I said truthfully speaking.

Riley is gonna be stuck to tv, Caesar is most likely talking to some girl, Hiro is making beats, Ming is either doing her studies or practicing kickball, and I don't care what Cindy is doing. I think she purposefully acts hard just to get attention. Valley Girl trying to be a Hood Girl.

"Huey are you afraid of people seeing us together?" she asked with her tone sounding depressing.

"No, why you ask that?" I asked concerned. I keep forgetting that she gets sensitive about our secret semi-relationship.

"Because I know we're semi-dating, but you don't have to be too strict on us doing that. The goal is for you to get out of your comfort zone," she exclaimed.

I'm okay with us doing a couple of things, I just don't want her to tell anybody because I don't want anybody in our business. Most relationships fail nowadays because of the people around the couple.

If something were to go wrong their friends or family would try to convince the pair to split or do something petty. I know for a fact Jazmine has friends that have a crush on her and if they find her going through a breakup phase then they're going to swoop in and try to be the hero.

I don't need any unnecessary drama going on so I rather keep it a secret.

"Look Jazmine I'm not experienced as you are with relationships. I've never 'semi-dated' with someone and I've never done any of this stuff most couples do," I exclaimed.

At the moment the only thing I'm experienced in is kissing and touching her in her sensitive areas. I can't continue with the last part because that's going to lead down a road I want to avoid.

I finally turned into the museum parking lot where there were barely any cars around. "I understand, but you can experiment a little, it's okay to try something you're not good at," she innocently spoke.

"Jazmine I don't even know what to do with you in some situations," I said repeating myself. I get a bit irritated when she doesn't understand on my part. "Like when?" she questioned once again.

"Like when I'm supposed to kiss, hug, or show affection to you as Caesar does and you guys are faking dating. Your fake relationship with him is way escalated than our semi relationship," I implied. I know for a fact I wasn't lying.

He still does it and she doesn't stop him. Sometimes I just want to give him another concussion, but that'll only make things as worse as it is.

"What's stopping you from doing all those things," she asked me with her tone changing. Instead of her tone of words being soft, it became deep, in a seductive way. I looked at her funny as she looked me up and down like I was her dessert.

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