''I have never seen him this happy'' Alessio confesses grabbing my attention.

''Who?'' I ask looking around to see who he was talking about.

''Rick, he seems to really like you'' He tells me making me blush.

''Why do you think he likes me? We are just friends.'' I tell him scratching the back of my neck.

''Yeah right'' He says laughing at my words.

''What?'' I get mad at him for laughing at me.

''Nothing it's just everybody can see that you both like each other but try to pretend to be 'just friends' in front of everyone else'' He says giving me a smile trying to hold his laughter not wanting to make me mad again. I roll my eyes at him in annoyance.

''We are just friends'' I tell him again.

''Whatever makes you sleep at night'' He tells me and gets up to leave.

I know that Alessio was right, we clearly aren't just friends, but what are we? Friends that kiss and share a bed? That's just weird. But it also was too soon to put a label on this relationship and I don't even know if Riccardo saw me as someone he would like to have an official relationship with. From what I've heard from Bella he hasn't really had girlfriend's, he used to sleep around a lot when he was younger but they didn't mean anything to him. And why would I be so special to him to want me to be the first real relationship. The thought of us not being together made me sad but I also didn't want to live in a fantasy and hope for something that would never happen.

I finish my food and put my plate in the dishwasher and head to Riccardo's office. I walk up to the big black double doors of his office and push them open entering the room. He wasn't here yet so I looked around while waiting for him. I look at a picture frame on his desk where there was a happy couple who I assume was his parents and his dad was holding Bella and about a 10 year old Riccardo was standing in front of them, they all had the biggest smiles. I wonder where are his parents, he or Bella never have mentioned them. At the bottom of the picture frame there was engraved 'The Lucarelli family'. I then sit on the big leather chair by the desk which I assume was Riccardo's desk. There were piles of documents on the desk and I take one just to look at it to pass the time.

It was some type of document for a gun shipment going to America. I flip trough pages and read the lines of text on it. '10 000 guns to be shipped to America for the Camparo Mafia'. I continue to read the text to come up to a mistake in the contract, writen in the smallest letters that made me squeeze my eyes to even read them. 'By signing this contract Riccardo Andrea Lucarelli agrees to the terms of Camparo mafia taking the lead in further gun shipments'. This line didn't make sense as in the beginning of the contract it said that Riccardo was leading all shipments coming in and out. It looks like this other mafia has tried to frame Riccardo by signing this contract and giving them all the power over shipments.

I hear the door open and Riccardo enters his eyes right on me and on the papers on my hand. ''I see your already have taken my spot as the boss'' He giggles and sits down on the sofa in front of his desk as if I was his boss and he just one of the people working for me.

''This Camparo mafia is trying to frame you in giving them all the saying over your shipments.'' I tell him throwing the papers on the desk for him to look at them. His face changes expressions and his body fills with rage as he stands up and takes the papers from the desk to look over them. I show him the microscopic sentence at the end of the contract and he crumbles the paper in his hands. I lean back in his chair watching what he was gonna say. I have to admit I might have started to like this mafia thing a little more than I should.

''I have to go to America and talk to that son of a bitch'' He growls placing his hands on the desk to face me who was just fidgeting from side to side in his chair. I stop fidgeting and look at him.

''I'm coming with you'' I tell him as he lets out a sigh and looks up at me.

''No, I'm not letting you walk right in danger'' He growls at me lifting up from his desk and standing tall.

''I can take care of myself and plus I would be by your side'' I tell him with a little bit of attitude letting him know I wasn't backing down.

''Fine, but you will have to carry a gun with you at all times'' He tells me and then he follows ''Do you know how to use it?'' He asks me waiting for an answer.

''My dad is a hunter and he taught me how to shoot when I was six, I think I can manage'' I tell him confidently making him smile with desire, knowing I had turned him on by my confidence.

''Okay boss'' He then tells me and leans back on his desk and I lean in to give him a kiss. We get interrupted by a knock on the door. Riccardo walks behind me and places his hands on the chair I am sitting on stopping me from being able to fidget in his chair.

''Come in'' He then says and the doors open as Dante enters with his eyes widened at the sight of us both being here.

''Boss, the Camparo mafia wants to know when they can expect their shipment'' He says shyly not sure of what was happening with me being here and if he could say that in front of me. Before Riccardo gets the chance to answer I interrupt.

''Tell them they ain't getting shit and to expect a little visit from Lucarelli's.'' I say and Dante takes a deep breath being really confused and waiting for Riccardo to say something.

''You heard her'' Riccardo then tells Dante who nods his head in agreement.

''Oh and get the jet ready, we are leaving to America tonight, tell Alessio and Kris to also get ready'' Riccardo then says looking at Dante while caressing my shoulders.

''Okay boss'' Dante tells Riccardo and gives me a little nod with a smile which I return with a soft smile. And then he leaves the room leaving me and Riccardo alone.

Riccardo's POV:

Dante left and I could see how confused he was by Haley being here and ordering him around like a real boss, and damn if that wasn't hot as hell. I knew there was more to Haley when I first saw her, she had this burning flame inside of her and the mind of a true leader as if she was born into this world only to rule it one day. At this moment I knew I could trust her with everything and I was more than sure that I wanted her by my side and rule the mafia with her side by side.

I turn her around in my chair so that she was now facing me. I could see adrenaline running trough her from what she had just done and slowly see as the realization hit her of what she had said.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to act that way'' She says giving her self a palm to her face and I pull her hand away to look into her eyes.

''You did everything right, like a true leader'' I tell her giving her a kiss on the forehead assuring her she did nothing wrong.

''We have to go pack to go to America'' she then tells me with all her worries having left her and I smile seeing her confidence return. God how much I wanted her to be mine.

''Okay boss'' I tell her giving her a hand to help her up from once mine chair. She takes it and we both walk to the door but just as she was about to open the door I twist her around and grab her face kissing her lips.

''Let's go'' I tell her pulling away from the kiss and opening the door for her.

The Lucarelli queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن