"You want to know why?" She said gobsmacked, "You broke Frigga's rules and before you say anything I know, so did I."

He looked at her with a quirked eyebrow, and smiled as he took another sip of wine.

"The fact is, Frigga told me in no uncertain terms that if I don't prove I can follow rules and be the 'perfect' princess then this marriage... they will dismiss it."

Loki snorted and put down his glass, "That won't happen, I am king-"

"That's just it Loki, you are not the King! Your father is, and he doesn't approve of me as it is! He just needs one excuse to cast me out, and you are giving him every excuse to do that. I'm mortal, they don't see me as worthy. It would be nothing to cast me aside and out. Or maybe that's what you want?"

That was it. That was what she wanted to put to him. As try as she might, Sif's words had stung and felt true. The thought of Loki changing his mind, his heart was her biggest fear.

"Honestly, I feel like the reason you have been pushing me to break the rules is... because you regret us. And if that is true please, just tell me. I don't want to be tricked or lied to I can't take that."

He furrowed his brow, clearly confused at her words. He moved forward to speak but she held up her hands and stepped back. "Please, don't. If you really want us to be together, then please show me. Actions, not words."

She opened the door and left his room before he could follow, thoroughly leaving the ball in his court.


Brokkr had been seeing Y/N for early morning lessons before breakfast. This way he could ensure he got her attention, the first of the day and without fear of interruption. The throne room of Buri had been her training room for the past fortnight now, and it had been equipped with everything they would need for successful learning. For a while now he had been having her concentrate of life force transference as well as her powers of telekinesis. She was doing well, and her control had only grown.

"Well then, you have been doing well I must say." He smiled, bringing over a small box. "You're almost ready."

"For what?" She stood from the stone step brushing off the dust from her skirts. She was used to having a filthy gown after working with Brokkr, it was one of the annoyances of Hildegard that she always came back with dust and dirt all over her.
"To help me." Brokkr said simply, walking around the room surveying every corner of the great hall. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, surely anything he asked her to do was going to go against every fibre of Y/N's being. "Help you with what?"

"Nothing too drastic I am sure..." he walked up to Buri's throne, the first throne of wood and stone. "There are many things I want, but first...I want a seat at the table. I want to be rubbing shoulders with the gods. I want Odin to shake my hand!" He giggled at the last part.

"But how can my powers help you?" She asked warily, she did not want to perform anything that would harm others. "I just need your loyalty. I need you to do something for me. I will come to you with a request which you must grant. And you will help me." He turned to face her almost sensing her apprehension, "Or I will have to out you to the whole of Asgard of your sham wedding, noting that the happy couple have already coupled!" Her eyes widened, she couldn't allow him to do such a thing. "What do you want me to do?"

"All will be clear in time, first... I want you to prove your loyalty to me. I will come to you one night, and you will grant me whatever I ask of you. Do you agree?" He smirked.

Loki And The Thief Pt2Where stories live. Discover now