Padoru Chapter

959 18 14

(Warning! This chapter contains leaks and some spoilers I reveal! I am not ashamed of it.)

Fortuna-Nero's Home

" Hashie sori yo... Kaze no yoouuuu ni. Tsukimihara wo.... Padoru Padoru! " Y/n chanted the earrape version of the Padoru meme. " Jeez, I didn't know you were that loud. " Nero said as he was in the living room and resting on the couch. " Eh, just for today and tomorrow. It's December 24. Got any plans for the events on the orphanage? If I remember, most of the kids celebrate Christmas. " Y/n asked as Nero was wide eyed from what he heard. He had forgot about the whole Christmas event. " Oh shit! Come on! Let's go! We need to get going! " the devil hunter said in panic.

" Hey, I just heard you two panicking. What's up? " Vergil said as he went downstairs to see Y/n and Nero running around.

" Vergil/Dad! We need the Yamato! Now! " Y/n and Nero answered simultaneously. " Why? There's no demons around and Mundus is long dead- Oh...right. We'll go to Japan right away. I need to get my gift ready. " Vergil said as he readied his Yamato to leave. " I'll ready the Impreza. We're going to Redgrave City first. I need to pick up Dante and buy his prepared presents. " Y/n said.

" Don't tell me, you lost a bet with him? " Vergil asked.

" He cheated, to the point he arranged the UNO cards to win. Let's say...I got stacked with a plus four, blocks, and all sorts of stuff. "

" I feel you kid. However, I know you, so I'll step out on whatever prank you wanna play with him. " Vergil said as Nero wanted to say something but just quitted it right off the bat as Y/n left to the garage. " Yo,  you going to get Christmas presents already? We need to make it before Kyrie throws a fit at us. You won't like a woman scorned. " Nico joked. " Pfft, if it all goes to waste, we're going to dip to Axel town either way. Anyway, seems like the Impreza is up for a spin. " Y/n said.

" Sure, go right ahead. We'll be going on our way later. Me and the rest here are going to buy the things needed for the event here. Wiz, Kyrie, and I are already prepping for it. By the way,  who's your ' Secret Holiday Buddy ' that you're gonna give a gift to? " Nico asked and teased as Y/n just showed the paper which screams a name of someone who's classy.

" I'm going to give him a book about Hamilton or something like that. He loves literatures after all. If it was Dante, I would've dropped the whole series of Diary of the Wimpy Kid onto his head. Though he hates reading a bit, I think it would give him laughs. " Y/n said as he opened the car door.

" Hey Nico... You're early today. I hope you are not making Sweet Surrender Version 2. " Nero said and glared slightly at Nico who giggled.  " What, you jealous that this arm can relieve tension, if you know what I mean. " she teased as Nero instantly said:

" Not in front of dad Nico! "

" Relaaax, I'm only pulling your leg or maybe, an arm perhaps. Get it? " Nico joked as Y/n literally cringed on that joke. " That was a bad pun. Nothing more, nothing less. " Nero said.

" No it wasn't. " Agni who was at a table, said to Nico. " It's more than a bad joke my brother. " Rudra said and Nico then looked at them with an intimidating look. " Then, Y/n's precious talkative blades, what is it? " she asked.

" IT'S CRINGE! " Y/n and the blades shouted.

Agni: Ko

Rudra: No

Y/n: Su

Nero: Ba!

Akagi Mountain
10 AM

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