Chapter 15: Playtime is Over for the Devil

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The Deviljho roared as it came charging and tried to crush them with its feet. The party had moved aside when it tried to charged them and Dante started firing Ebony and Ivory while Griffon and Wiz fired off lightning attacks to damage it but it seems like this monster was more tanky than the rest of its kind due to its demonic augmentations by Urizen.

" Damn, it doesn't even flinch. This one is a toughie. " Dante said as him and Y/n charged at the Brute Wyvern and landed several slashes at it alongside Shadow. The pickle monster tried to retaliate but its slowness made it hard for it to chomp or use its tail to hit them.

" Griffon, Wiz... Cast your spells! ! " Y/n commanded as Griffon casted out Double Check and then a Blockade while Wiz went in for a Cursed Crystal Prison once the Deviljho's left leg came near a tree, causing it to be restrained for a few seconds as Y/n jumped in, only to be smacked by its tail and slide towards the snow.

" Don't get reckless kid! It's just getting started. " Dante said as the Deviljho broke free, it stared at them before letting it's muscle swell and glow red, along with its old scars. It then ignored Dante, Wiz, Y/n and his familiars and charged at Aqua.

" Waaah! It's going to eat me, it's going to eat me! " Aqua wailed as she ran away from the pickle monster. The Deviljho didn't  mind the attacks of Griffon and Wiz who were clearly trying to bombard the Deviljho with Lightning attacks. Seeing going into the support lines wasn't enough, Wiz strangely went in as Griffon tried to stop her.

" Wiz.... No, no, no! "

" I'm not going to be a dead weight here. Stand aside. " Wiz said as she approached the Deviljho who was now currently busy with Dante. Large mana surrounded Wiz's palm as it created a yellow plasma-like sword. " Light of Saber! " she casted out and slashed at the swollen muscles at its back which made it roar and stagger a little.

The earth then cracked as Deviljho went in and fells onto it as the crack became bigger. It was Y/n who slammed Beowolf to the ground, powered up with demonic energy. " Restraint Level One, released... " he said as his hair turned white and Nightmare surfaced from the ground.

The Deviljho had risen up and looked at Nightmare as it roared. The two then charged at each other as Nightmare held the Brute Wyvern barely in place before it got thrown away from the pickle. The Deviljho fired its Dragon Element Breath as Nightmare fired a condensed laser which made a smoke which had a mix of the dracophage fog on it.

Nightmare dissolved as Deviljho sniffed the whole area for the goddess in question and the rest of her party. It then heard flapping of wings and the Deviljho then tried to go after Griffon and rushed towards everywhere to get him.

Two minutes of chasing had passed and finally, the Deviljho had opened its jaws, ready to eat the Nightmare whole as it was near. " Fool. " Griffon said and gave it an eat shitting grin before disappearing and suddenly, black tendrils skewered and pierced through the Deviljho's skin, and the tendrils stuck onto four trees.

Shadow, who was in human form had transformed his two arms into tendrils as he was powered up by his masters' Devil Energy. Even then, he was struggling to keep the Deviljho steady as it kept struggling.

One tendril snapped, then five, until the Deviljho broke free and tossed Shadow aside. " Sacred Exorcism! " Aqua chanted as she fired blue beams which burnt the Brute Wyvern a bit and recklessly charged at the tree where Aqua is.

" Incoming! " Y/n and Dante shouted synchronously as the twins and Nightmare crashed onto the Deviljho with either its giant fist, Beowolf, or Balrog and hit its back. " Wiz, let's do this! " Y/n said as the trio kept their distance from the Brute Wyvern.

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