"You invited Tomas and he invited Reid. Alessandro killed Reid, probably after finding out that you told Aero he was in on your plan. So are you happy, Bruno? Did you get what you wanted? Did you win?" I question with a lump in my throat.

His hand holding the gun started to tremble and he shook his head, "No. Reid isn't dead."

"He's dead because of you!" I yelled, tears returning back into my eyes.

An expression of hurt flashed across his face and he looked like he was in disbelief. He whispered, "I didn't get to say goodbye."

"Am I supposed to feel bad for you? This is your fault!" I shout.

Aero suddenly lunged at Bruno, tackling him to the ground. The gun fell out of Brunos hands and their bodies collided with the stones that covered the rooftop. Bruno let out noises of pain as Aeros fist repeatedly hit his face over and over again.

I ran over and grabbed the gun so that Bruno wouldn't be able to reach it. Aero continued to punch him over and over again and I heard him say under his breath, "This is what you fucking get for taking my brother from me."

The amount of blood coming from Brunos mouth, nose, and forehead made me have to look away. Eventually, I heard Aero stand up, so I moved my eyes back. Bruno laid on his back, groaning in pain. Blood covered his face and Aero took the gun from my hands.

He aimed it at Brunos head, not even thinking for a second before firing a bullet directly through his forehead.

I looked away, not wanting to see another corpse. I stared at Aero, whose chest was rising and falling quickly. He lowered the gun to his side and I took a step towards him as he pulled me into a hug. He stroked my hair, but my heart still felt heavy.

"They're on the rooftop!" An unfamiliar voice shouted from down into the building. I pulled away and looked at Aero, who was rolling his eyes.

He told me, "It's Alessandro's men. They want blood, we have to leave now."

"How? They're below the ladder and that's the only way back into the building."

Aero walked over to the edge of the roof, looking down. He turned back to face me while the wind blew his black hair around, "There's a pond."

"How do we know that it's shallow and we aren't going to die?" I asked, walking over to the edge as the voices of the people got closer.

The ladder started to squeak, telling us that people were walking up it now. He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. He looked me in my eyes and said, "I guess we'll have to find out together."

I kissed him quickly before we leaned off the side of the building, falling into the pond below. Aero kept me in his arms the entire time we fell. We entered the water and it was cold, making goosebumps cover my skin.

We sunk into the water a little bit before I was able to start swimming back up to the surface. I breathed in the night air as Aero came back up, shaking his wet hair. He asked me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Are you?"

He nodded his head and a smile slowly formed on my face. He grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, I guess we're moving to Philadelphia tonight. We'll buy a new bed and couch tomorrow."

We got out of the pond, soaking wet. We ran towards his car and he was quick to turn the engine on and start driving away. I looked behind us as we drove, and a bunch of men started running out of the front door.

They fired bullets at the car as Aero sped away, my heart pounding out of my chest. 

A few black cars started chasing after us and Aero muttered, "Shit."

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