Chapter 38

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Some people started running out, others continued to duck behind their chairs, and Alessandro stood at the front looking beyond confused. He knew that I was the one that fired the shot, but he didn't know why. He probably thought that it was because somebody was about to kill him, but it wasn't. I had ruined one of his events for the hundredth time for my own reasons.

I left the sniper upstairs and rushed down the stairs towards Hailey, who was looking at the body beside her in horror. I rushed to her side and knelt down beside her, placing my hands gently against her cheeks and forcing her head to look away from the body and look at me.

Her fear quickly switched to a different emotion and she stuttered, "I-I'm sorry. I'm still not used to seeing dead bodies."

"Don't fucking apologize," I ran one of my hands through her hair. "Are you okay?"

She nodded her head and I allowed for myself to let out a breath of relief. I said, "When I saw him touch you I just couldn't control myself. What was he whispering to you?"

A look of disgust formed on her face, "At first it was just shit about Alessandro lying and him calling me hot. But then it switched to more....sexual stuff, and even though I tried to scoot away from him, he didn't take the hint and started to touch my thigh."

After hearing her words I had absolutely no regrets about killing whoever that guy was. I spoke in a gentle tone, "Let's go home, I don't think people are going to be staying to celebrate yet another death."

She nodded her head and I helped her to her feet, keeping an arm wrapped around her waist. As I looked around I noticed a good amount of people giving me death glares despite not knowing I was the person that fired the shot. I've made a lot of enemies with my hits, which is just all the more reason I need to start looking at houses in Philadelphia. 

I kept Hailey close to me as we walked out of the funeral, ignoring the looks from people I've pissed off in the past. Once we were about to get in my car a hand on my shoulder made me stop in my tracks.

Alessandro was looking at me with a stressed and confused look, "What the fuck happened Black? Was James going to shoot?"

While continuing to stare Alessandro in his eyes I said, "Hailey, get in the car please sweetheart."

I heard a car door open and close behind me, telling me that she listened. Alessandro began to look even more confused and said, "Black-"

I threw a single punch, hitting his nose and making him grab onto the car behind him to stop himself from falling. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and forced him to be looking at me as I spat, "You said your men would be on their best behaviour." 

"And were they not?" he asked, failing while trying to get out of my grip.

I shook my head, "James took it upon himself to sexually harass my girlfriend despite me being told something like this wouldn't fucking happen."

I allowed for him to leave my grip now and he patted down the area of his shirt I had been holding onto. He shook his head and almost shouted with a red face, "You ruined my fathers funeral because you were jealous?!"

"Jealousy and anger and two very different things. And somebody touching my girlfriend definitely makes me angry," I stand my ground, my tone harsh. 

He scoffed, "Are you fucking kidding me, Black? You ruined one of my events, once again!"

I got in his face, "Does it look like I'm fucking kidding? You don't even give a shit about your fathers death. This is all for appearances, and you know it."

He stared at me for a while before taking a step back while shaking his head. This time he spoke in an angry tone, "I could ruin your fucking relationship, so you might want to start being a little nicer to me."

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