Chapter 2

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I don't like people.

I don't like parties.

But I don't like failing my hits even more.

I sat on my sofa, my right ankle resting on my left knee. I was expecting a call from the man who ordered the hit, and I had grown a little curious as to who wanted Hailey dead. Although I don't particularly like her myself, I wondered what she could've done to make somebody feel this way. Most people like the sweetness about her that I hate. 

My work phone started ringing at 4pm on the dot. I picked it up instantly, placing my glass of whiskey down on the table beside me and sitting up in the seat.

"So, is it done?" the man asked.

I shook my head while responding, "No. Something came up and I wasn't able to. But tonight I will, there's a party being thrown and I'll make sure that she's in attendance. How much would you like her to suffer?"

"I want you to make every second of her death the most painful that you can. Drag it out, let her feel herself dying. Give her a little bit of hope....then take it away from her. Make her want death," the man spoke, his words sounding like they gave him pleasure to say.

I nodded my head, running my tongue along my top teeth. I asked, "May I ask why?"

I never ask why. I've done hundreds of hits - and I've never once cared to ask. I kill them, collect my money, and never think about their name or face ever again. But I couldn't repress the curiosity that was growing inside of me. 

"No questions, Black. Just deliver her dead body to me once you're done."

Mouthing a curse word to myself out of disappointment, I ended the call, leaning my head back against the top of the cushion. I knew exactly how to get her to the party tonight. 

I could invite Reid - he would bring her without a doubt. But he may complicate things by never leaving her side. Luckily, Hailey and I have one mutual friend.

I texted Tomas, offering him a generous amount of money to bring her to the party tonight. Like I expected, he agreed instantly. He doesn't know my intentions, he doesn't know what I'm involved with. 

He doesn't know that he is leading his friend to her death.

I picked my cold glass of whiskey back up and swirled the ice around in it. I thought out loud, "I'll see you tonight, Hailey Romano."



I almost skipped out of my lecture, feeling overjoyed that I was done for the week. The school year was getting closer and closer to ending, but there were still a couple of months left.

As I exited the building, a familiar arm wrapped around me. Tomas stared down at me through his green eyes and asked, "What are you up to tonight, Romano?"

I bit the inside of my mouth, debating on if I should tell the truth. My plans were to go home and lay in bed for the entire weekend, and only get up to eat and pee. 

"I'm going to a strip club," I lied.

His eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face, "Really? Which one?"

I suddenly felt like an idiot, knowing that I couldn't name a single one. I clicked my tongue before speaking, "The one...downtown. With the lights, and the girls."

A soft chuckle escaped his mouth. He nodded his head, "As believable as that sounds, would you maybe want to change your plans? I'm going to a party tonight and can bring a plus one."

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