Chapter 10

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I walked down my stairs, ready for a fun day of going to my classes.

I've been thinking about my kiss with Aero more than I'd like to admit. I know I should tell Reid, but for some reason I'm nervous. It was also only a kiss. Thats it. He didn't say he has feelings for me, he didn't say he wanted to be more than friends, we just kissed.

Thats it.


Wait what?

"Hailey, wait a second," My dads voice called from the kitchen.

I pursed my lips before slowly turning around and walking to the kitchen. He was sitting at the table with a bunch of papers in front of him, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He gestured for me to take a seat, so I did.

He slid one of the papers over to me, "That's basically the rundown of the entire company. It gives you all of the information you'd need. I know you're saying that you don't want to take over, but I think you should just give it a chance first."

"Dad, I don't want to run a company. I just want to be a work from home accountant, not a CEO," I tried to get through to him.

He sighed and dropped his glasses onto the table. He leaned forward on his elbows, "Darling, I'm not going to be working for much longer. I'm getting old, and retirement keeps getting closer. I need somebody who will run the company and who will run it well."

"I won't run it well. I'll fire everybody and smuggle drugs in it."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not joking around, Hailey. You're a Romano, and this is what we do."

I understand that my dad wants his kid to continue the legacy his grandfather started. But I don't want to be a CEO. And I shouldn't be forced into something I don't want to do, just for a different person's happiness. 

"I'm gonna be late for class," I responded, getting up from the table and walking away. I heard him make a noise of disappointment but I ignored it. 

My mom grabbed me by my arm to stop me as I went to take a step out of the door. She whispered, "Just ignore your dad, honey."

I smiled and nodded my head before leaving for the day. 



I don't like apologizing. 

But Alessandro sits across from me, waiting for one. The son of the don doesn't appreciate getting his ass beat by an assassin, apparently. 

"We all have off days where we aren't thinking straight, Black. So it's no problem, I know you don't actually care for his girl," He tried to bait me into saying that I do.

I nodded my head, "You're right. I don't. But I'd appreciate it if you left my hits to me."

"Of course, my mistake," He said before taking a sip of the whiskey in his hand.

I've already admitted to Hailey that I care for her. But I do not have romantic feelings for her. I can't have romantic feelings for her. My phase of giving a shit about her will pass before the end of the month, and I'll be able to collect my 2 million dollars. I'm letting myself get distracted by her kindness and the light she carries around with her. Strange that I'm getting distracted by all the things that make her the opposite of me. 

My dead heart beats for nothing but money.

He set his glass down and asked me, "Are you able to do a hit today?"

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