Chapter 27

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The streets were filled with people, making it hard to see what buildings we were passing. I didn't want to do anything crazy, just something fun before we start the drive back to New York. I offered to drive us because Aero seems tired and he says he didn't sleep well last night, but he said no. I wondered what had kept him up. 

I still have some of my snacks left for the drive, but right now I just wanted to do something easy and fun with Aero.

And that was getting ice cream.

We entered the shop I ordered what we get every time, but this time I paid by tricking Aero into thinking that I dropped my phone outside and I needed him to go and look for it. Which he did, because he's such a sweetheart.

He rolled his eyes when he came back in and saw that I ordered and paid for our ice cream, and that my phone was sitting on the table in front of me. He sat down and I slid his cup of ice cream over to him.

"Why didn't you let me pay?" he complained.

I ate a spoonful of ice cream before ignoring him and asking, "Favourite season?"

"I like paying for you, Hailey."

"I like Winter because of Christmas and my birthday. My birthday is-"

He cut me off, "January 25th."

A smile slowly crept onto my face. I had never told him my birthday before. Before we became close, we had only had a handful of conversations and most of them were very surface level, with me asking him questions and his answers never being deeper than 'yes', 'no', or 'maybe.' Besides that one time he said, 'Shut up. Reid, come get your friend. She talks too much.'

"Last time I hung out with Reid, he was already talking about what he wants to do for your next birthday even though it's 10 months away," he told me, making me smile.

Reid and I have celebrated every single birthday of mine together since I was 16. We met in high school, even though he was a year older than me, because one time he accidentally came to my class and was too embarrassed to leave so he stayed and just kept going for the entire semester. The second he told me my shoes were so ugly that day, I knew we were going to be good friends.

Year after year, we continued to just hang out for my birthday. He'd always want to plan some big party for me, but I just wanted him and I to hang out and watch movies.

He asked me, "What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't know, it's 10 months away," I said while laughing slightly.

He shrugged, "I want to be prepared."

I thought for a second. I don't really need anything right now. I've been so happy that I can't even think of anything that I'd want.

"Maybe to get over my fear of flying," I confessed.

Being afraid of airplanes prevents me from traveling, which I would absolutely love to do. The world is so beautiful, and I wish I could explore it. If I pull up my big girl pants and get over my fear of flying, then I'd be able to finally leave The United States.

He nodded his head, "Then that is exactly what we'll do."

Staring at Aero, I found it hard to believe that he has any fears. Nothing shakes him. Death and blood don't phase him in the slightest. I asked him, "Are you scared of anything, Aero?"

His jaw tensed and he moved his head to the side. His tongue ran along his bottom lip, like he was thinking about what he was about to say. I thought he might not answer until he said, "You hating me."

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