Mari spoke up first. "Hi, Suga! You look nice! It's good to see you."

Yoongi blinked. "Uh, thanks... I didn't know you'd be joining us, Mari." He, then, looked at me with a tilted expression.

I was about to explain, but wasn't as quick as Mari.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I'm intruding! I was just hungry and Y/N mentioned you were getting food together, so it just made sense to join along..." Mari explained getting nervous at the end. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, no," Yoongi assured her with his large palms facing toward her. "Not intruding at all—"

I beg to differ.

"—There's room for all of us," he gave her a warm smile and then brought his easy gaze to me. "Hi, Y/N."

"Hi, Yoongi," I shyly waved.

"Ma'am, our whole party is here now. One extra person joined so a table for 3 instead of 2 please," Yoongi explained to the hostess.

"Got it, not a problem. This way." The hostess grabbed three menus and led us to our table near a window with a pretty view of the sky.

We ordered our drinks and food and sat in tense silence for like three minutes before Mari finally spoke up.

"How was your day, Suga?"

He set his phone down to give her his full attention. "Oh, my day was pretty good. I finished up a song before coming here and my professor really liked the last song I finished, so I'm excited about that."

Mari placed both her hands on the edge of the table and gasped. She took a double take between me and him.

"You write songs? You didn't tell me that!" Mari gushed.

He shrugged, bashfully. "You never asked. But yeah, I write and produce."

"That's insane! Did you know that, Y/N?"

I gave her a slight nod with a smile that I hoped looked more friendly than it felt. "Yeah, I do. He's super talented. He's shown me some of his songs actually."

"Wow, I'd love to hear some one day."

Yoongi smiled. "Sure."

"I bet they're amazing!"

I had never seen Mari speak so much at one time—not even when she was drunk—and it was honestly super shocking. At any other moment I would be thrilled to be having this conversation, but I couldn't help but really just want some alone time with him.

"Jungkook is actually starting to write his own stuff, too," I added, nudging her arm playfully trying to get her to think about him instead.

"Yeah, he's really good. I'm actually helping him with his stuff and he has real potential," Yoongi joined.

"Dang, you're even helping Jungkook? That's really nice of you. You really know how to multi task well," Mari babbled. Yoongi remained silent, but nodded bashfully, not sure how to respond to so many compliments.

My eyes gave off a baffled expression at her response; however, I decided not to pay it too much attention.

"You know what..." Mari slowly started, catching both of our attention. I could practically see the gears turning in her mind. "Suga, would you be willing to offer me and Y/N one of your songs to choreograph and dance to for our upcoming combo routine? That is, if Y/N is okay with that?"

Yoongi and I both froze being suddenly put on the spot.

"Oh! Uh, yeah I'd definitely be cool with that. I don't know why I haven't thought of that before. If Suga is down, I'm down! That would be super cool and I am for sure down," I repeatedly word vomited like a dumbass.

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