21 Change Is In The Air...

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"I know what you're doing, and I'm not going to let you get away with it," Rebecca growls, glaring at me.

The former Beta female is dressed to impress in a flirty red cocktail dress but her perfectly painted face is twisted in anger. A new level of hatred burns in her eyes as she stares me down.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I grit out, fighting to keep Ember at bay. The beast has had enough of the old shewolf's disrespect and is eager to put her in her place.

"Don't play innocent with me Jess." She sneers, leaning in closer. Waves of anger and hatred from her crash into me and twist my stomach painfully.

"I'm not-"

"Bullshit!" she snaps. "After everything I've done for you, to make you feel welcome... After everything we've done for the kingdom!" Rebecca trembles on the verge of hysterics and the gathered crowd is likely the only thing keeping her from coming at me.

I gape at her, trying to fathom what in her mind she has done to make me feel welcome.

From the moment I got here she has looked down on me, tried to manipulate me and when that failed, has taken every cheap shot she could.

The worst part is her mate.

I've struggled to understand these royal wolves and how they reacted to us only made our transition more difficult. Barron's cold, stiff demeanour turned out to be a front for his exhaustion. Trying to keep this pack going has run him into the ground, a fate I fear for Chris.

"Considering I just got here, you'll have to fill me in on what I've done," I grumble, barely hiding my irritation.

She tosses her head back, barking out a bitter laugh as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Are you seriously going to pretend that you didn't push to throw us out?!"

"I haven't pushed to throw anyone out!"

Rebecca takes a threatening step towards me, her angry gaze locked on mine as she searches for the lie.

'Say the word,' Mack links, a dangerous edge to her voice. The Guardian is never far from me anymore, always lurking close enough to help at a moment's notice but far enough to not smother me.

'No, I can't blame her for being mad,' I regretfully admit. As insufferable as Rebecca is, they did attempt to keep the pack going and this has been her home.

"Liar!" Rebecca hisses. "If you think I'm going to let you-"

"Enough!" Barron cuts in. The old beta seems to have appeared out of nowhere in our distraction, no doubt feeling his mate's volatile emotions. His voice reverberates with authority, pausing his mate in her tracks while his stony facade gives nothing away.

Rebecca shifts her attention instantly, going from bully to victim as tears well in her eyes. "Barron, how can you let them do this to you, to us?" She whimpers, fisting his shirt.

"They've done nothing," he replies softer, gathering her in his arms. I watch, transfixed as his stoic state melts away like only a mate can do.

"How can you say that?! You've given everything and they've thrown us out like garbage!" She sniffs dramatically, cowering in his embrace.

I need all of my restraint to not groan 'oh brother,' at her theatrics, but I know that would just fuel her further. Instead, I force myself to be neutral and bite my tongue.

"They didn't," he reiterates. She pushes off his chest to get a better look and opens her mouth to argue but he cuts her off. "I did."

Her shock hits me with such force I stagger and grip a nearby chair, feeling nauseous. Being near the volatile woman in my state is too much for me to handle.

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