10 What Am I to You?

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"I know I said give it to him, but did you have to kill him, Sparky?" Derek chides, looking down at the slack man held up only by his chains.

"Technically it was your fault," Mira huffs, crossing her arms and rolling her blue-green eyes. "You guys were the ones to break him, once I removed the disconnect, he felt it all at once."

"I hate to waste energy on someone like him, but could you make him more usable for the Guardians?" I ask, annoyed by the prospect of healing him.

"Mmhmm," she mumbles. "I'll see what I can do but he'll need to sleep and eat."

"Understood," Derek grumbles.

Mira bends down, her curly red locks cascading to hide her face as she once again taps into her magic. The unconscious man groans and she steps away a moment later.

"I did just enough that he should be responsive in the morning, though he should lay down..." she cautions.

Sadie rolls her eyes, muttering 'if he must', as she lengthens his chains to lay on the cold stone floor. "How's Jess?" she asks, locking the new length of chain into place.

"Better," I admit with a smile. "She's up and eating with one of her friends from the kitchen."

"Oh Lena? Such a nice lady, shame..." Sadie trails off, catching herself too slow.

"Whats a shame?!" I growl. "The Omegas are under strict-"

"It's not like that," Sadie cuts in, shaking her head. "I'm only taking a guess, as nothing was said, but seems there might be a mate problem..."

I tilt my head, not expecting that though it would explain when Sadie told me how the poor woman got that upset without any incident on record. My attention is drawn to Mira as she straightens and shifts uneasily. When her gaze meets mine, she drops it instantly.

"Are we done here?" she mumbles, looking to make her escape.

'Something's still off with her,' Cyrus pipes up, worried about his pack member.

"Yeah, the Guardians can take it from here hmm?" I say more so to Derek who nods. "I've had enough down here too, this place is... oppressive."

Mira nods and walks beside me, her shifting gaze reminds me of an animal ready to bolt.

"Shoen blames the old magic woven through the foundation, what do you think?" I pause, waiting for her answer.

Mira reluctantly stops and looks around before frowning. "It is a dungeon... and he's not wrong. For a race that hates witches so much, there is a lot of magic here," she trails off.

"I sense a big but," I say, raising a brow.

Mira walks over to the closest wall and lays her hand down on it. Instantly, intricate scrollwork shines across the jagged stone face where mere seconds ago there was nothing. I take a step closer, studying the glowing symbols which make no sense to me then shift my attention back to Mira and her deepening frown.

"I'm so rusty and this is out of my realm of expertise, but it feels off," she reluctantly admits. "I felt it the moment we got here but thought I was struggling, being around so many wolves..."

"But it's not," I finish for her and she nods. "Off like as in black magic kind of off?"

She lets out a sharp breath and chews on her bottom lip as she considers my question. "I don't know. Sasha feels it too and although Jess isn't a witch, she's said more than once that the energy is off here."

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