Chapter 16 - Kadaj Comes Back (Player: Cloud)

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I'm currently back at the 7th Heaven. Nothing new has happened here. So I don't have anything to really say. Well, I'll update this when something interesting happens. -Cloud 

Cloud came downstairs to see Aerith talking to Tifa at the bar top. As he predicted, nothing interesting. He sat down and looked at the Fusion Sword propped up against the wall. He sighed, and looked at the table. This would be a boring day. Just then, the door was kicked open. Kadaj was there. Cloud, Aerith and Tifa stared at Kadaj, and Aerith ran behind Cloud. Cloud picked up the Fusion Sword as Kadaj walked towards him.

"Hello, brother." Kadaj said, smirking.

Cloud looked at Aerith. "Go upstairs. Lock the bedroom door." He whispered to her. She nodded, and ran to Cloud's room. Kadaj lunged for her, when Cloud hit him with the Fusion Sword.

"What do you want with her?" Cloud asked, as the two jumped into battle stance.

"Hehehe." Kadaj chuckled. "Can't tell you, brother. Top secret."

The two went into battle. Kadaj swung at Cloud as Cloud dodged. Then, Cloud swung at Kadaj. Kadaj wasn't quick enough to dodge, so he was hit in the side. He tumbled back and hit a table, which knocked the wind out of him. As Kadaj was struggling to breathe, Cloud walked up to him.

"Answer my question." Cloud said, firmly. "What do you want with Aerith?"

Kadaj wheezed, and stood up. 

"Can't... tell you, brother." He said. "But you will find out in due time. Until then, I gotta go!" 

Kadaj ran for the door as Cloud tried to grab him. But Kadaj got on his motorcycle and sped away.

"Tifa!" Cloud shouted. "I'm going after him. Make sure Aerith's all right!"

Tifa nodded as Cloud sped after Kadaj towards the Forgotten Capital.

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