Chapter 14 - Kadaj is a Big Stinky. (Player: Kadaj)

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Kadaj left Healen Lodge with a grin on his face. He hadn't told Rufus about what he was going to do in the Forgotten Capital. When he returned, Yazoo was waiting for him.

"Did you find the mayor?" Yazoo asked. Kadaj shook his head.

"Not the mayor," Kadaj replied. "The president. Rufus Shinra."

"Did you tell him about... Mother?" Yazoo said.

"No, of course not." Kadaj said while walking. "I said I wouldn't tell him, didn't I? And I didn't"

"Well, Mother is doing fine." Yazoo said. "The whole... resurrection thing... is going well. She'll be back to her former self soon."

"Good. Where is Loz?" Kadaj inquired.

"He's thinking up plans to capture Aerith and bring her back here." Yazoo said. "We need her to be here to watch Mother destroy all life."

"Not including her life, correct?" Kadaj asked.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure that Mother doesn't kill her." Yazoo said.

"Good. Good. I'll make sure that Shinra doesn't find out. In the meantime, check on Mother." Kadaj said, as he walked to where Loz was. He found Loz working on plans, and decided to leave him alone. He came to check on Jenova. A few days ago, Kadaj used Jenova's liquified remains to resurrect her. They would use Jenova to destroy all human life.

"She's coming along nicely." Kadaj said. Yazoo nodded.

"Yes. Mother will be ready in... about 2 months." Yazoo said.

"Good. When the day comes," Kadaj said. "We will strike. The humans will be fleeing... and we will prevail."

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