Chapter 7 - Cosmo Canyon's New Ruler. (Player: Red XIII)

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The residents of Cosmo Canyon weren't scared by the Meteor Incident, because they had more pressing matters to deal with, like Bugenhagen's death. When Red XIII returned shortly after, he was praised for helping with the meteor, but they then needed a new leader. Red XIII offered to rule Cosmo Canyon, and the residents of Cosmo Canyon were ecstatic. Red XIII then ruled over Cosmo Canyon for 2 years. Suddenly, the Cosmo Canyon gatekeeper noticed the Highwind flying by. The Highwind landed, and the Cosmo Canyon gatekeeper stopped all the AVALANCHE members.

"Hold up there." The gatekeeper said. "Who are you?"

"Come on, man." Cloud said. "You know who we are."

"You're intruders!" The gatekeeper shouted.

"No! We're not intruders! We've been here before!" Cloud argued.

"The intruders have a fake alibi!" The gatekeeper exclaimed. "Take them to our ruler for his verdict."

Cloud sighed as him, Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Cid, Barret, Cait Sith, and Vincent were lead to Bugenhagen's old house. They stood in the first floor as the gatekeeper called for Cosmo Canyon's new ruler.

"Oh almighty ruler of Cosmo Canyon, I have some intruders here. Come and give your verdict." The gatekeeper said.

As the elevator came down, the group was surprised at what they saw. It was Red XIII, as the ruler of Cosmo Canyon.

"I see, my friend," Red XIII replied. "But they are not intruders. They are my old friends. If you would please leave me alone with them, I will speak with them."

As the gatekeeper left, Cloud walked up to Red XIII.

"Red?" Cloud said, surprised. "You're the ruler of Cosmo Canyon?"

"Indeed I am, Cloud." Red XIII said. "After my grandfather Bugenhagen passed, and we went our separate ways, I came back to a ruined Cosmo Canyon. So I helped fix things up, and became the new ruler."

"Hey, Red." Yuffie spoke up. "You'll never guess who's with us!"

Red XIII simply stared as Aerith walked up to him.

"Hey Red." Aerith said. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"Wait a minute," Red XIII questioned. "Didn't you die?"

"It's a long story." Cloud said. "So, basically, apparently after Aerith was stabbed by Sephiroth, she was kept alive by a remnant of Sephiroth, named Kadaj. There are 3 remnants of Sephiroth, Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj."

"Interesting." Red XIII said. "So she survived."

"Pretty much." Cloud replied. "Anyways, we were getting everyone from AVALANCHE back together, and you were the last member. So, do you want to come back to AVALANCHE?"

Red XIII pondered for a moment, then finally spoke.

"I would," Red XIII said. "But the people of Cosmo Canyon need a leader, and no one else here is qualified except me."

"Well," Yuffie said. "When Bugenhagen died, everyone was fine without a ruler, weren't they?"

"Yes, I suppose they were." Red XIII said. "Alright. I'm coming with you. I'll just announce this to the people of Cosmo Canyon. Stay here for a moment please."

"Sounds good." Cloud said as Red XIII walked out of the door for a minute.

Red came back and announced that he was joining AVALANCHE again, and the group was ecstatic. They left Cosmo Canyon and set off to their next destination, Edge.

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