Chapter 3 - More Aquaintances Reunite. (Player: Cloud)

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Me, Tifa, and Cid have been flying for a day or two, and we can't find any other members of AVALANCHE. Me and Cid are starting to give up hope, but Tifa is optimistic that we just aren't looking hard enough. Hold up, Tifa's calling me over. I'll write later. -Cloud

Cloud walked up to Tifa, who was near the window of the Highwind with Cid steering nearby."Yes Tifa?" Cloud said, questioning why he was called here, now.

"Look out the window!" Tifa said, excited.

"Ok, sure." Cloud said. He looked out the window and was surprised at what he saw.

"Is that Vincent?!" Cloud asked, surprised and excited.

"Let's fly down and see!" Cid said, excited to see another one of his friends.

They made it down close enough to where Cloud could lower the ladder right to the ground, and basically slid down the ladder to see Vincent, with Tifa and Cid behind him. Once Cloud reached Vincent, the mood changed drastically.

"Vincent!? Vincent, it's you! Wait... Vincent... Why do you have... Aerith's body?" Cloud said, his mood changing from excited to concerned in a matter of 3 seconds.

"Cloud... I have something very important to tell you." Vincent stated. "When I was wandering the Forgotten Capital, I fell down a hole, and found the place where Aerith was stabbed."

"And killed. But, I put her body in the lake there 2 years ago. How do you have her body?" Cloud asked.

"I'm getting there," Vincent said. "I found a locked door, and after finding the key, I found Aerith chained to the wall."

"But she's been dead for 2 years now," Cloud said. "Shouldn't her dead body have decayed by now?"

"Stop interrupting and let me finish." Vincent said, kind of angrily. "When I found Aerith chained to the wall, I found that she still had a pulse. She was alive.

"Cloud was speechless. He couldn't say anything. After he collected his thoughts, he told Vincent to get on the Highwind immediately. He was surprised, but overjoyed beyond belief! Aerith was back.

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