Chapter 13 - Fear. (Player: Cloud)

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It's been a few hours since I explained Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj. I got very tired, so I came to my room. I'm tired of explaining stuff, so I came here to rest. It is currently 1:29 A.M. Oh, there's a knock at the door. I'll write tomorrow. -Cloud.

Cloud went to the door, and Aerith was there, and she looked slightly scared.

"Aerith?" Cloud said, surprised. "I thought you were asleep in the other room."

"I-I keep thinking about Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo." Aerith said. "What if they come back, and try to take me back... there?" Cloud could see Aerith was scared.

"Do you want to stay in my room the night?" Cloud asked.

When Cloud said that, Aerith looked at the floor for a moment, and looked back up at Cloud.

"S-sure." Aerith stuttered. So, Aerith stayed in Cloud's room. Cloud sat with Aerith on the floor for a bit, just talking about random things. Eventually, Cloud got up.

"I'm going to get some water. Do you want some?" Cloud asked.

"Sure." Aerith said. So Cloud went downstairs to get some water. He filled two cups of water, and came back upstairs. When he did, he saw Aerith sleeping on the carpet. He put the two water cups on his bedside cabinet, and lifted Aerith onto his bed. He went back downstairs, and sat at the bar top for about 15 minutes. He eventually walked upstairs back to his room, and flopped back down on his bed. He fell asleep very quickly. The next morning, Cloud woke up, and saw Aerith on the other side of his bed. He didn't wake her up, and went downstairs. Cid was downstairs, looking at the bar top.

"Who spilled water all over the bar top?!" Cid exclaimed. Cloud remembers how he accidentally spilled a glass of water the night before. He slowly walked back upstairs, and back to his room. When he got back to his room. he saw Aerith, sitting on the side of the bed drinking the water.

"Hey, Aerith." Cloud said. "How are you this morning?"

"Good." Aerith replied. "I had a pretty good rest. Hey Cloud? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Cloud said. " Go ahead."

Aerith blushed a bit and looked down at the bed. She looked back up to Cloud.

"Can I... stay in here with you for a while?" Aerith asked.

"Of course, Aerith." Cloud replied. "You can stay in here as long as you want."

Aerith looked at Cloud and smiled.

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