New Beginnings

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I sat outside at an assembly wearing a white cap and gown. I sat beside Allison, Isaac, and Malia. "It is with great pleasure to announce this year's class valedictorian; Stiles Stilinski." Coach announced. The audience applauded as my boyfriend walked onto stage before tripping on his graduation gown and falling onto his face. He popped up with a smile on his face as he stood in front of the podium. "Thanks, Coach. Valedictorian. Now, I know so win this award but...there's someone else who deserves this award more than I did...sadly she couldn't be here today, Lydia Martin." Stiles stated.

"Lydia was this school's brightest person...leagues above everyone. And I know if she was still here today...she would tell you that it was nothing. High school may seem hard...but compared to the rest of life...this...this is nothing. And I know because...for me...I went through some tough times. My best friend became a criminal, my father was killed, my friends, and for a while...I lost my ability to see. But..." Stiles voiced.

"There was one person that stood by my side through my hardships. That helped me deal with death. And helped me overcome my blindness." Stiles explained. "This here with us today. Sitting in chair 3, row B. Their hair chocolate brown and her eyes like a dream." Stiles said getting off the stage. "Cora Hale." Stiles finally stated. "I have to tell you guys...when Cora wants something. She will stop at nothing to achieve it. And she stopped at nothing to help me overcome my obstacles. She's the reason I'm here today. That I can see." He explained. "And I'm happy to tell you...that I would do the exact same thing for her. Because I love her and because of her...I have come to a decision to join the law enforcement. Ironic, I know, considering my track record." Stiles said standing before me, offering me his hand. I took it and stood to my feet.

"My dad told me that life is about making mistakes. But it's what you do with these mistakes that define what kind of person you will become in the future." Stiles told the audience. "Will you be the person to quit at the first sign of trouble like I almost did? Or will you push through it...and overcome whatever is in your way and uses those mistakes to your advantage?" He continued.

"When I was still blind...Cora shined some rather insulating advice to me." He added. "Blind people...are not without their heroes. People have Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man. But for people that can't see. That can't be like those fantastic characters. They have their own hero, Daredevil." He said. "Daredevil is blind....a lawyer...and he also kicks ass as a badass superhero. But the fact that he was blind. That inspired me to do the same. Overcome my weakness. To be better than my fear. To be a man without fear of my own. Because fear holds you back. And once you get over it...there's nothing that can stop you." Stiles voiced. "Cora...showed that to me when I was at my lowest point in life. She called me, "Daredevil". Because I was brave rebought today continue my life without succumbing to the terrors of blindness." Stiles sounded. He turned to me. "She's the reason...that I'm the person I am today." He said squeezing my hand gently. "And for that...I am grateful." He finished before kissing my lips as the audience cheered.

After we graduated, I went looking for the others. "Where is she?" I asked looking at Peter. "Calm your horses, Cora. Melissa has her. She needed a change. And God forbid I'm not dealing with that." Peter explained before Malia gave him a warm embrace. He hesitated for a moment for returning the hug with a smile. "I love you, Dad." She whispered to him. Peter's eyes widened slightly before blinking away tears.

"Good job, kiddo." Derek told me giving me a hug and smiled. "Thank you." I voiced. "Where's Stiles?" He asked. "Talking to Coach." I answered looking behind me and watching Stiles converse with Coach before the two embraced. I smiled at the interaction. "Look who it is!" A woman voiced behind me. I turned around to see Melissa holding my daughter in her arms. I smiled immediately at the sight of her. In turn also making Katerina smile. She reached out to me. "Hey! My beautiful girl! How are you?" I said holding her in my arms. "Being a good girl?" I asked her kissing her forehead.

"You're asking our daughter if she's being a good girl? Especially when I'm her father?" Stiles asked standing behind me. "Well, of course, I was hoping she would be nothing like you and only like me." I said with a smirk. "That's a lie. She's got me in there and I know you that you like it." Stiles voiced. "Did you give Grandma any trouble while Mommy and Daddy we're gone?" Stiles asked Kat playing with her fingers as she giggled.

"Did you guys ever settle on a middle name for her yet?" Allison asked us. "Yes, we did." I answered. "Lydia." Stiles announced. "What?" Isaac asked. "That's her middle name, Scarfy." Stiles explained. "Katerina Lydia Hale." I stated. "I love it." Allison sounded with tears in her eyes. "I know. So do we." Stiles whispered gently brushing his finger along the smooth cheek of our daughter.

"Come on. Let's get out of here. I'm starving." Liam announced. "'re always starving." I told him. "True. But still. Food. Want. In me. Now." He said before Derek walked over and picked him up and carried him over his shoulder. "Hey! I hate when you do that!" Liam exclaimed before Derek dropped him and laughed.

I walked with Stiles and Kat to his Jeep and smiled. "Never change." I told him. "Don't intend to, sweetheart." He said before kissing my lips before opening the door to the vehicle and putting Kat into her car seat. "You got Josie the Coyote?" He asked poking his head out of the car.

I dug through my purse and pulled out a stuffed coyote toy that Malia got for her. I handed it to him before he handed it to Kat. He climbed out the car and offered his hand to me. "Madam, your ride." He said. "Why thank you." I told him entering the vehicle. He closed the door and went around the front before hopping into the driver's seat. "You ready?" He asked. "I'm always ready." I told him. "Alright. Let's go." He said before driving out of the school parking lot.

God, I love you, Stiles. Always and Forever.

"Hey do you think vampires exist?" I asked him out of the blue. "Oh god, I sure hope not. The last thing I want is to have a hot ancient vampire steal you away from me. Especially a hot vampire that's an Original in suit." Stiles said shaking his head. "Ok, wouldn't be Elijah. And two, it would be Klaus." I countered. "Oh...great. The super sexy 1,000 year old Original Hybrid. Even better." Stiles said sarcastically.

"Oh, please. Says the guy in love with Hayley." I shot back. "Hey! Don't disrespect my Queen, okay? Hayley is awesome and badass. Just like you." He said. "Smooth." I told him squinting my eyes. "Thank you." He voiced. "You've been reading that book Isaac gave you for your birthday, haven't you?" I asked him. "Damn. I was hoping you wouldn't notice." He explained. "Oh. I noticed. Momma sees all." I told him. "Oh does she now?" He asked chuckling. "All the time. And Momma likes what she sees." I said smiling mischievously. "Kinky." Stiles pointed out. I playfully shoved him as the two of us laughed. "I love you." He told me. "I know. I love you too." I responded.

We drove down the empty road before Stiles held my hand and smiled. "To new beginnings." He said. "And to wherever our journey takes us." I added with a smile.

I really truly love you, Stiles.


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