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How is he?" Derek asked as I entered his loft. "Hurting." I answered. Derek let out a sigh lowering his head. "I'm gonna kill him." Derek voiced crossing his arms. "You touch a hair on his pretty head. It'll be the last thing you ever do." I warned my eyes glowing yellow. "No, not Stiles. Scott. He's gonna pay. For what he did to Stiles." Derek explained. "And how do you plan on doing that? Scott's an Alpha now and we're Omegas." I voiced. "True...but Scott isn't the only Alpha we know...is he?" Peter announced descending from the stairs of the loft closing a book in his hands with a smile. "And I'm assuming you have a plan?" I asked. "Trust me. I have a plan." Peter answered. "And that would be?" Derek asked. "Stiles is blind...correct? Who do we know that used to be blind? Hmm? Any guesses?" Peter asked. "Deucalion." I answered. "Bingo." Peter sounded.

"You're insane." Derek told him. "Just because that's true doesn't mean it don't hurt." Peter voiced. "What makes you think Deucalion will be willing to help us after what Derek did?" I asked. "Simple. Because now...we all hate Scott collectively as a whole. Which gives Deucalion all the more reason to want to help us in beating the little twerp's ass." Peter explained. "But how does that help Stiles?" I asked. "Easy...we have Deucalion give the Bite to Stiles." Peter answered. "What?!" I exclaimed wide-eyed. "Are you nuts?! If the Bite doesn't work it could kill him!" I shouted. "Exactly. It could kill him. Never said that it would indefinitely." Peter pointed out. "And what if Stiles says no?" Derek asked. "I won't." A voice sounded from behind. I turned around to see Stiles in the entrance of the loft. "Stiles...if the Bite doesn't work...you'll die. You get that right?" I told him. He nodded his head. "That's a chance I'm willing to take to make Scott pay for what he did to me." Stiles explained as Derek helped him inside.

"Well...that was easy." Peter said. "Wait." Stiles called out. "How do we know whether or not the Bite of the Demon Wolf will work?" He asked. "We don't. But you said it yourself. That's a chance you're willing to take." Derek stated. Stiles slowly nodded his head. "Can't argue with that logic." Stiles breathed before nodding his head. "Let's do this." He added. "Perfect! Because I already called him and he's on his way here now." Peter sounded. "WHAT?!" Derek exclaimed.

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