Bonus: Still Ashore

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Safwa felt the rage coming back in. She was so easily frustrated these days and right now she was on the same edge. Not at all liking his all too known tone regarding something she should've known by herself. Argh! Why was he so confident! She didn't like it.

"I can feel that's not the case."

Izaan had picked his wallet and car keys by now. He nodded, came closer to her and pecked her forehead.
"Still, I insist. And take lots of rest. No roaming inside the kitchen and no baking session at all. Nabeel can take care of the coffee house for a day without you can't he? So, don't run there as well. I'll tell Amma to take extra care of you."

"Why are you behaving like I'm already pregnant?"

He shrugged his shoulders knowingly and Safwa wanted to smack him right there. Before she could get to it, he was outside of their room.

She could just grumble.

It was afternoon now. She was still lethargic, the weakness wouldn't leave her even though she had spent all her morning after Izaan left in the bed. Memoona came to check up on her twice and made sure she'd take at least a few morsels of her breakfast. She couldn't stomach even that. She could see a thoughtful look on Memoona's face as well. Really?

She took a deep breath as she stood outside of the bathroom. Yeah, she hated that Izaan was being I'm-the-doctor-and-I-know-shit-you-don't which wouldn't be as infuriating for her as she was finding it now. She was so pissed that it alone should've been her cue to take a test and see if it was due to pregnancy hormonal upheaval and mood swings.

She begrudgingly took the test which was right inside and she was waiting for the result to show.

Yeah, she hated that Izaan knew her body more than her but he was never wrong reading it so what were her chances.

And after five minutes when she finally opened the door and glanced at it, she sighed deeply.

Always fucking right.

He was so infuriating.


Izaan pushed the already ajar door of his room and came inside. It was a tiring day at work but that was his norm for years now. In fact almost everything in his life was something he was habitual of. Nothing new. Nothing turbulent. Nothing he had to make his peace with.

Well, except for his wife's bad temper these days.
He couldn't help but smile. She had all the classic signs of being very much pregnant. He could tell both as a doctor and as her husband but she had developed this habit lately where his expertise would annoy her. It was also a sign in his opinion. He sat down on the bed and closed his eyes.

"You were right."

He opened them with a start and looked at a pissed Safwa. She was standing with her arms crossed on her front and a scowl on her face. Izaan stood up immediately.

"You took the test?"

She nodded.

Ï did and I hate it but you were right."

"Which means-"

He deliberately left his sentence and saw a teary smile appearing on her face. It made him grin as well.

Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] CompleteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon