Chapter 26

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"E-Ehh!!!?!?!" Mel who just woke up went down and rushed at (Y/N) who was cooking breakfast and quickly hugged him.

"Hmm?, Something the matter Mel?" (Y/N) asked seeing Mel's terrified face.

"Onii-chan!!!!, Don't tell me you didn't hear that scream?!?!" Mel was really scared and was looking at him with teary eyes.

"Don't worry about it. That's just Ollie being Ollie upstairs." (Y/N) smiled and reassured Mel.

"O-Oh.... I always forgot how Ollie is every morning, te-he!" Mel closed her other eye and stuck out her tongue.


"Anyways, why did you stop cooking Onii-chan?" Mel asked.

"I don't know.... Maybe because someone's still hugging me?~" (Y/N) teased her while Mel just stared at his face.



"EH?!?!?.....i-i-i.." Mel stuttered.


"I'M GOING TO TAKE A BATH SEE YOU LATER ONII-CHAN!JWNJWNSJSNJS" Mel's face was really red and rushed away while shouting.

"*sigh* Why am i such a Siscon" (Y/N) sighed and continued cooking.

" *yawn* what's the big deal around her- WOAHHHHH, MEL???" Ollie who just came down was almost hit by a random Mel but luckily dodged at the final moment.

She looked around and saw (Y/N) placing breakfast on the table and quickly ran and sat on a chair excited to eat (Y/N)'s food.

"So what happened up there?" (Y/N) asked and sat on the chair then sipped coffee from his mug.

"What do you mean???" Ollie asked him while she took a bite from the pancake.


"Hahaha, im glad you liked it. And what i mean is why'd you suddenly scream so early?"

"OHHHH!!!" Ollie remembered and suddenly her cheery mood got replaced by a depressing aura while (Y/N) just sweatdropped at the scene.

"W-Well.... Yagoo messaged me and told me it's my day off today...." She told him with a almost lifeless voice. It's as if she's a zombie.

"Eh? Then why are you depressed about it? Shouldn't you enjoy this day?" (Y/N) asked confused.

"You don't understand!!, I enjoy streaming and now that im in a day off I don't know what to do!!!!!" She cutely made a tantrum and pouted.

"You're really cute Ollie." (Y/N) smiled.

"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!!!!" She shouted with a blush.

"Alright alright, then how about you rest all day?" (Y/N) suggested.


"Then did A.S.S. send you a mission?"

"I already asked Coco-senpai and she said that there's nothing yet T∆T"


"I'm starting to get Bored!!! And crazy!!!!!!" She said while she ate another piece of her food.

"You're already crazy...."

"Okay okay....then how about we go out today?"

"A-A-A-RE YOU ASKING ME ON A DATE?!?!?!?!?" Ollie blushed madly and already made up scenarios on her head such as dates,marriage,funtime ;), and etc.

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