Chapter 15

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"So I Understand in bahasa is saya mengerti right?" Ollie asked tilting her head.

"Yep. You mostly know everything i teach you so i think you're pretty much ready because you know basic indonesian now." (Y/N) responded.

"Oh!!! Thank you for teaching me!!!!. I could've not done this without your help!!" Ollie hugged him tightly which he just smiled and hugged back. She wasn't too embarassed now but there was still some of it because of the fact that she was blushing hard

"By the way are you really sure about your decision?" He asked remembering what Ollie said after they came back home.


"Haaaa im tired. You both eat i'm going to nap for a while." (Y/N) sighed before laying down at the couch.

"Unn!" Ollie and Mel got in the table and heated up the food (Y/N) made earlier.

Both started to eat as Ollie suddenly said something.

"Umm... (Y/N)?"

"Yeah?" (Y/N) opened his eyes hearing her speak.

"I also want to join the subjugation squad." She announced.

"What?!?!" (Y/N) opened his eyes wide.

"Ollie!!! Do you know what you're talking about?" Mel asked also surprised.

"Unn....i want to help you (Y/N). For everything you've done for me. I don't want to be a burden while you work hard." Ollie lowered her head.

*sigh* He got up and walked up to Ollie and patted her head.

"Are you sure you want to join?" He asked.

"Yes!!. I actually know how to fight now!!! I don't know where i got the knowledge but....if it helps i want to be a help to you!!." Ollie looked at (Y/N) determined. 

He only smiled remembering even the past Ollie was like this. She would do everything she can to help everyone. He also was taken back that she somehow remembers how to fight. Maybe she's slowly remembering her memories? 

"Alright....but we need to stick together everytime okay?"

"Unn!!" Ollie nodded cutely. (Y/N) turned his attention to Mel.

"What about you?" He asked her

"I'm not the type to fight so i'm not going to join. B-But please just be careful you two." Mel spoke softly. He also pat her head which she liked.

"Alright just finish up eating and sleep. Goodnight." He laid on the couch again starting his slumber.

"Sweet dreams!!!" Ollie

"Goodnight onii-chan!!!" Mel

Flashback END



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