Chapter 10

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Some time before the attack

A group of 4 people with robes were talking to each other at the dark side of the mall.

"Remember... our backup is at the other side so before you attack make sure you make eye contact with them first" Anti 1 says.

"Alright HAHAHAHA i'm so excited to kill those freak of natures!!!" says Anti 3

"You dumb fuck don't say it outloud!!" Anti 2 scolded Anti 3.

"Guys...that guy was looking at us." Anti 4 pointed at (Y/N) watching them then proceeds to go in his own way.

"Tch.. we'll cause mass death anyway so no need to be worried about that guy!" Anti 1 tried to cheer him up.

"B-But dude.... that guy feels like he can kill us in a blink...." Anti 4 shivers.

"Eh? ignore it maybe it's just your imagination." Anti 3 also tried to lessen Anti 4's worry.

"Yeah maybe i am just thinking things....." Anti 4 sighed.

"So do you 3 remember the plan?" Anti 1 asked them.

"No." Anti2/3/4 said at the same time.


The Girl's Side Before The Attack

"Look Ollie-chan!!! there's so much yummy burgers!!!" Fubuki pointed at the giant screen which shows a table full of burgers. Ollie nodded and they both looked at the screen with drooling with stars in their eyes.

"We can buy food later but now let's focus on your needs okay Ollie?" Choco reprimanded the drooling duo.

"Look Ollie!!! doesn't that look nice on you?" Mel pointed at a shurt that has black and red stipes on it.

"Hmm... it does look cool!!." Ollie and Mel looked at it as Choco and Fubuki just followed behind.

Time passed as they checked every part of the place tried all the clothes.

"Hmm?~ i think this looks good on me." Choco brought out a black panty lingerie and showed it to Fubuki,Ollie and Mel.

"CHOCO-SENSEI!!! THAT'S SO INDECENT!!!" Fubuki shouted with a blush on her face.

"Y-Yeah that's not very idol like you know!!!" added Ollie blushing madly.

"They're right!!" Mel also said her face fully blushing.

"Hmm? I know maybe i can seduce (Y/N) if i show myself to him wearing this~"

"YOU MUSTN'T!!!" Shouted Ollie and Mel at the same time.

"Ara~ it looks like you're both aggravated. Could you possible both have feelings for him? Ara~ Mel-chan...i never knew you'd like forbidden love~" Choco teased them. Ollie just blushed and looked down trying to hide it.

"W-We're not blood related so it doesn't matter!!" Mel shouted cutely.

"Ohhhh!!! So you do like your brother Mel-chan!!!" Fubuki says with her mouth in a o shape.

"I-I-I...." Mel couldn't find the right words so she just put both her hands in her face praying that they stop teasing her.

"Fufufufu~ im just kidding both of you. Or am i?" Choco teased them more as Fubuki was laughing.

"SENPAI!!!/CHOCO!!!" Ollie and Mel

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm tired of laughing. Im hungry nowww let's meet (Y/N)-san and eat burge-"

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