Chapter 22

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

As the girls were beating up Kiara. I decided to leave the place and head to S.F.C. a restaurant in front of K.F.P. and currently is hogging up the attention of everyone passing by.

"Hmm? The outdoor are definetely not losing to Takanashi-san's. Hmm?" I noticed a sign outside saying that they are hiring new employees.

"Might aswell call it a infiltration than scouting then." I decided to apply for the job to learn more about this restaurant. I entered the place and saw many people eating their food happily.

I then saw someguy wearing a suit and glasses. I think he is the manager because there's literally a manager tag on his suit. I came close to him and started the conversation.

"Hello sir." 

The guy looked at me and smiled.

"Hello to you aswell! Are you ordering food? Please wait by the line over there." he pointed at the bigass line inside the restaurant. And speaking of the inside of the restaurant was actually pretty neat and it has good space aswell.

"Uhh no. Im here to look for a job." I said.

"Oh so you're applying? Then follow me." The guy walked towards the manager office. We got inside and he told me to sit at the chair which i did. He then sat aswell and opened his drawer on his desk and brought out a piece of paper.

"Please just fill up this form and i'll send it to the main branch then we will begin your training as soon as possible. Don't worry the approval will take less than an hour." He smiled.

"Okay then." I picked up the pen that he just placed beside the paper and i just filled the form up. I was filling up the application when i suddenly feel a glare towards me. I looked up and saw that the manager was still smiling which actually creeped me out a bit.

"Tanigo-san i think i found a relative of yours..."

I shake my head my head and decided to ignore the glare i was getting. 

After a few minutes i was done filling up the application and i handed it over to the manager.

"Okay then if you want you can wait here or you can go outside and eat while we wait for the approval from the boss." The manager informed me.

"All right thanks." I nodded and outside the office. I saw the line got decreased so i might aswell try their food. I got in the line and waited for a bit until it was my turn to order.

"Hello customer! What would you like?" A girl wearing a SFC uniform interacted with me.

"I'd like the number 5 but if you could please replace the coke with cold water." I ordered and the girl nodded and i gave her the payment. I waited and got my order so i picked a empty table and sat so i can began eating.

"Hmm.... this is pretty decent?" I tasted their fried chicken but it seems that Takanashi-san's are better. I saw the manager coming up right at me and sat at the opposite chair. He brought out a tablet and it showed the video of someone who looks like fucking James from Team Rocket.

"This is our boss and he has a message. Don't worry! He do this everytime a new recruit comes in." The manager assured me but it seems suspicious. The person on the tablet then spoke.

"Hello Mr. Brando I am Mitsuke Sarue an Archangel. I've received your application form and i would like to tell you that you passed and you can start your training immediatly. Welcome to Sentucky Fried Chicken!!" He clapped on time.

It might seem like a normal thing but why would the boss give a message to every new recruit? Simple. I felt a magical force trying to enter my mind coming from the tablet. I already felt this power before when i entered the place of the Old Man above. Speaking of him i wonder if he still remembers that bet we did?

Bored And CrazyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ