Chapter 23

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"T-This man is crazy!!!" The SFC Manager shivered when he saw (Y/N) glaring at him with a monstrous grin while he was cooking food quickly.

"I need to do something about this!!" The manager pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hello? Is there some kind of problem and you are calling me?" The voice  was from the boss earlier called Mitsuki Sarue. Or in his real name Sariel.

"B-Boss there's a problem!!!" The manager screamed at the phone.

"Calm down. Tell me the problem and i'll think about a solution for it. And make it fast because i'm quite busy here." Sariel was looking at the opposite side of his restaurant glaring at some random MgRonalds employee.

"Y-Yes boss! There's a new restaurant that opened just a few hours ago and everything was going fine but it suddenly attracted more people and stole our customers!! and whne i mean our customers i mean all of them!!!! Even the employees are being attracted there!!" The manager explained.

"What!!! That's impossible!! My spell wasn't a high level magic but it certainly won't be a low level one. Did you investigate about it?" Sariel asked in a panic. This was really a problem because that place was the branch where the most people eat at a SFC Branch. If it weren't for that restaurant they won't even be able to build new SFC's without using magic which would be violating the law if they did.

"I know boss!! But our new employee was the one doing it! He was a spy all along and he was the one doing the attraction of the opposite restaurant. I'll send you a video boss!" The manager took a video and sent it to Sariel.

"W-What is that!?!?! No one even a archangel like me could cook that fast an- WHAT????" Sariel was very shocked at what happened.

"I-Is there a problem boss??!?!" The manager panicked.

"T-This smell..... I COULD SMELL IT THROUGH THE VIDEO WHAT THE HEAVEN??!?!?!?!" Sariel took of his shades and his eyes were almost bulging out its sockets.

"That's impossible!! I never heard of something like that....." the manager is very nervous now.

"Y-Yes...but it might be normal here because not everyone has powers back in Ente Isla....Alright wait for a while i send an elite team to help you!" Sariel assured the manager.

"R-Really boss!?!?! That elite team????? Then that lowly restaurant's downfall is fated then HAHAHAHAHA" The manager laughed when he heard that his boss would be sending the best SFC team to help him with the problem.

Meanwhile at (Y/N)'s side

"Hmm?? Who is he calling?" (Y/N) finally stopped glaring at the SFC manager and paid attention on what he is doing right now. WHICH IS COOKING DOZENS OF ORDERS EVERY SECOND!!

"(Y/N) WE HAVE NO SPACE LEFT!!!" Ollie rushed inside and informed him.

"Yes i know... *sigh* we'll take a break after 10 minutes so please bear with me for a while." He wasn't tired but he saw that his friends and random employee's were really really exhausted. He felt sorry about them and decided to take a break first.

"Thank you (Y/N)!! I'll let the others know!!!" Ollie was about to go outside to tell the news to Mel and Calli but she was stopped by (Y/N).

"Wait, use this." (Y/N) gave her a microphone.

"E-Eh? What's this for??" Ollie tilted her head confused at why (Y/N) was giving her a mic.

"It's connected at the speakers in KFP. Let them know that we'll stop in 10 minutes." (Y/N) told her.

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