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"my Jungkookie in a suit ... is it christmas day already?"

Jungkook bit his lip, trying to suppress his smile but he failed miserably. Taehyung leaned in the doorframe of his room, eyeing him up and down, wearing a suit himself.

"you look nice too."

Taehyung made two steps into the room, pretended to fix the younger's tie just to pull lightly on it to close the gap between them. he gave him a short peck before sneaking his arm around Jungkook's waist and leading him out the room. the older hasn't told him yet where they were going to, Jungkook only knew that he was supposed to wear a suit.

but once they arrived at a fancy looking restaurant it slowly daunted to him. one of the waitresses brought them to a table while holding small talk with Taehyung. Jungkook only heard half of it, something about that they were late and the older laughing it off saying that it was because of the traffic. they sat down at their table, the younger was looking around confused. and once a guy with a microphone got up on a stage to talk about the good year the company had, Jungkook's head was spinning.

"Tae, where the fuck are we?"

"day 22, a christmas party. i overheard two ladies at the supermarket talking about their company ... what was it's name? ... anyway - they talked about the christmas party their company is going to have and since we missed the party from uni, here we are."

Taehyung winked at the younger before taking a sip from the red wine the waitress bas brought them. Jungkook's mouth was wide as his eyes darted around the room anxiously.

"i'm pretty sure this is illegal - oh my god - how do we pay for this? what if they catch us?"

"don't worry, they won't, i promise. it's a big ass, rich company, they won't notice two more meals going out."

"and i thought you took me to a fancy dinner date..."

they chuckled and Taehyung reached with his hand for Jungkook's. the older's smile was cocky and his eyes adventurous. and if the younger was honest, it was probably his favorite look on Taehyung.

"what are you talking about? this is a fancy dinner date."

Jungkook huffed but he took Taehyung's hand over the table. and once the food arrived, his worries were all gone because the younger was sure those were the best meals he had ever had. they left the event early though because Jungkook still didn't trust Taehyung's plan. some of the guests looked after them with furrowed eyebrows as they walked out the restaurant, wondering who the two young men were.

"some company's christmas party... you're crazy."

with their finger intertwined, their hand swung between them. Jungkook still couldn't believe that they just snuck into some fancy dinner christmas party. it started snowing again as they were on their way home. they had to walk since they missed the bus going in their direction. Taehyung tapped on his phone and shortly after, a jazzy christmas song played from his coat pocket. before Jungkook could protest, the older put one hand on his waist, with the other he grabbed Jungkook's and started to dance to the music. it wasn't serious like the last time they had done it, this time they were laughing and twirling until they reached their dorm.

24 days 'til  christmas // taekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon