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it might come as a surprise but Taehyung's family never really celebrated christmas. maybe that was the reason why he loved it so much now. he loved everything about christmas but one of his favorite things were christmas decorations and the food. so it was a given that at some point this winter you'd find him and Jungkook at a christmas tree farm to pick a tree while drinking (a bit too much) fruit punch. and with good alcohol comes even better honesty, in both Jungkook and Taehyung.

"have you ever had a girlfriend?"

they had already picked a tree but agreed to take a walk around the farm because the scenery and fairy lights were too pretty not to be looked at. it was already dark out, when they got themselves fruit punch and started wandering around mindlessly. Taehyung was already a pretty confident person but alcohol gave him a push anyway, so he was the first one to start asking more daring questions. he wanted to get to know (and get closer to) Jungkook by the end of december after all. so the younger shook his head before taking a sip from his cup. so no girlfriends ... Taehyung watched the other from the corner of his eye.

"and boyfriends?"

the older's gaze was still on him as Jungkook shook his head again. his expression did not really change but Taehyung was sure that he could see a blush forming on the other's cheeks. but maybe that was just his imagination playing tricks on him. so no boyfriends as well. did that mean he was bi? or ace? Taehyung was more confused than he was before.

"so you have no experience at all, when it comes to uh relationship and ... love ... uhm and stuff i mean?"

talking about love made Jungkook really shy, Taehyung noticed that in the beginning when their friends would talk about their relationships and hook ups. the younger kept his eyes on his shoes or the drink in his hands. he took another sip from his cup before he cleared his throat.

"i uhm ... i was never really interested in ... relationships when i was younger. and then i guess i kinda missed the mark were everyone started to ... i don't know ... hook up and stuff. i ... this is so stupid ... uhm i guess i'm pretty late now?"

a quiet chuckles left Jungkook's lips but it sounded a bit sad. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, starring at his own cup in his hands. he wished he had slowed down when he was younger. only having older friends made him rush into things, thinking he had to experience everything as fast as possible, even when he wasn't ready at all.

"but ... there is no rush, you know? i feel like all these movies with actors waaay older than their character made kids and teenagers think they have to experience everything as soon as possible but that's just ... dumb. there's nothing wrong with taking your time. i don't think you can ever be late when it comes to experiencing things."

Jungkook only nodded after the older finished his short rent. but if you looked close enough, you could see the small, shy smile that made it's way to his lips.

24 days 'til  christmas // taekookWhere stories live. Discover now