The boys were busy playing with the soccer ball when Takuya suddenly spoke up, "I know its not my place to speak up but..." He confessed before starting again, "-please don't fight in front of [Male Name]-san..."

This managed to catch both Mikey and Ken's attention, making both of them turn to the frail boy who was busy staring at the ground, "He... he began hyperventilating when you guys were fighting..."

The two gang leaders' eyes widened as they heard Takuya tell them the truth, feeling a lump of guilt form in their throats, "I-I don't know what happened to him... but he began apologising and begging for someone to not hit him..." Tears began pooling in the strawberry blonde's eyes, his frame shaking slightly as he remembered the sheer fear in your eyes.

It was terrifying to watch someone have this much fear in their eyes...

"So please... please don't hurt him... it scares me when I think of what he might to do to himself if you guys leave him..." Feeling the looks of his friends on his back, Takuya was quick to add in, "Although, as I said... it's not my place to say anything..."

"I just... don't want to see someone as kind as [Male Name]-san... suffer..." He added in the end, making the two boys that let out a sigh, "Don't worry... we won't... we'll make sure that he doesn't have to suffer because of us..." The two uttered, however they felt like they were about to throw up when they heard about what you were saying.

You don't deserve to suffer like this....


You were currently sitting in Yuki's house as the she got ready. You had already worn a yukata as per the girls' request and were waiting to walk with your friend to the festival. Since you never wore a yukata before, you had to borrow one from [Character With Similar Height]. They didn't mind and quickly handed you the piece of garment as Yuki had practically dragged you to get the yukata.

While waiting for the albino, you turned your head in the direction of the front door when you heard it click open, only to reveal Sho; Yuki's older brother.

"You again?" He sneered, a look of disdain present on his face when he caught sight of you, "Good evening, Sho-san..." You bowed, not wanting to banter with him before leaving.

"Yeah, yeah... stop talking, your voice is annoying..." His comment made your eyes twitch in annoyance, "That's rich, coming from you..." You muttered, not aware that he heard you loud and clear.

"What did you just say, you little shit?!" He scowled at you, making you bite down your smile upon seeing his sorry-excuse of a glare. Your mother can do way better...

"Oh, sorry... I didn't know you had a hearing problem!! I guess it comes with the age..." You teased, a mocking grin on your lips as he let out an animalistic growl, "Imma fucking murder you!!"

"Oh, please!! My mother is a lot more intimidating and she's an old hag..." You scoffed, completely done with his bullshit. Just when he was about to jump at you, Yuki slammed the door to her room right into Sho's face, making the boy fall down.

"Oh, Nii-san!! Didn't see you there!!" She spoke nonchalantly and immediately turned to you, "I'm ready, [Male Name]!! Let's go!!"

Completely disregarding Sho on the ground, she skipped over his passed out figure and held your hand tightly, "To the festival, we go!!" She cheered happily as she pointed onwards.

You let a smile take over your lips as you walked over to your bike, parked right outside her house. It was a good thing that you wore black tights under your yukata, allowing free movement. Yuki sat behind you, her kimono all colourful and pretty.

It made you a bit envious that you couldn't get to wear a kimono like you always wanted, but you quickly pushed down your feelings and sped off into the bright city. Musashi Shrine was only a few minutes ride from Yuki's house, making you park at the very front where you were greeted by Ken, Emma, Hina and Takemichi.

"Eh, where's Manjirō?" You questioned as you helped Yuki down your bike with her geta sandals. You kicked out the stand and jogged over to Ken to look at his figure in confusion, "He said he had a call to attend to..." The boy trailed off while gauging your form.

"Hmm, you don't look half bad!!" He praised as he ruffled your hair, making you pout in annoyance, "Hey!! Don't ruin my hair!!" But your pleas fell on deaf ears as he continued to mess with your hair.

Although, the minute he saw your figure, he was reminded of what Takemicchi's friends had told him. The braided boy gulped down his guilt and threw his arm around your shoulder, "Come on, slow poke!!" He tugged at you, who was busy greeting and complimenting Emma, "You look absolutely gorgeous, Emma-chan!!"

She flushed at your praise, ready to melt into a puddle of happiness at your recognition, "Yeah yeah, no one gives a shit!! Let's go, [Male Name]!!"

"You asshole!! Can't you just see me happy?!" Emma screeched at the boy, making him tug his hand out of her annoying hold, "Hah? Like I care?! I'm just here to spend time with my buddy, [Male Name]!!"

The two glared at each other with a look of pure fury in their eyes. They got real close to each other, almost brushing their noses together as they quietly growled. Almost in synchrony, they whispered to each other.

"Back off, stupid... [Male Name]... is mine..."

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