Chapter 14

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I was bent over moaning as another contraction hit me when Mark walked in. The smile on his face was gone in seconds and was replaced with worry and panic.

‘Oh my god, baby what’s wrong?’  Comes out of his mouth even though I’m pretty sure he knew what was wrong.

‘I think it’s time.’ I panted as I could my belly start to tighten yet again.

‘Okay we’ll get you down to the truck and then to the hospital.’

‘NO like time to push.’ I said through gritted teeth as yet another contraction hit me. ‘Oh god it hurts.’ I moaned.

‘Okay try laying down and doing the breathing exercises the coach gave us. I’m gonna go get mom.’

‘Hurry.’ I said as I tried to climb back into bed.


Oh shit, the twins weren’t due for another month and a half. I made halfway down the stairs when I saw my mom.

‘Hey mom. Can I get your help please?’ She gave me a strange look. I suppose I seemed distracted at the moment. My fiance went into labor in my childhood bedroom and is ready to push.  

‘Okay.’ She started up the stairs as I raced back to Jayce. She groaning.

Mom came in.

‘Oh dear. Jayce how long?’ She cried.

‘About an hour after I laid down. At first I thought they were fake but then it started getting closer together and the pain is worse. Now I feel like I have to push.’

‘Okay. Mark get her pants off of her. I’ll go get fresh towels and the first aid kit. I’m gonna grab Bridgette too.’ Mom commanded. I just nodded. I managed to get Jayce out of her pants and underwear. I covered her with a blanket.  I looked up at her face and saw the fear in her eyes.

‘It’s gonna be okay Jayce. Mom’s a nurse and Bridgette has been through this twice with twins. They know what to do.’ She nodded.

Mom stepped back in. Bridgette followed her.

‘Oh crap. Why hasn’t anyone called for an ambulance yet?’ Bridgette demanded.

‘Because we don’t have time for that. These babies are coming now.’ I said to my sister.


I’m scared out of my mind. I want to be at a hospital with pain medicine. I don’t want to go through this naturally but I don’t really have a choice now. Mom took over.

‘Quit arguing you two. Mark get behind Jayce. I want you to use your body to prop hers up slightly.  Jayce honey I want you to bend your knees and then let them relax them. I have to check you sweetie.’ Mom said. Bridgette was going through the first aid kit.

I bent my knees and let them relax. Mom lifted her end of the blanket and looked.

‘Yepp the first one is crowning. Bridgette are you ready?’ She just nodded.

‘Okay Jayce on the next contraction I want you to bare down and push.’  I nodded.  Mark grabbed on one of my hands and gave it a squeeze while the other one was rubbing my stomach.

I felt another contraction and pushed.

Landon was quick. Only a couple of pushes and he came right out. Aubree on the other hand was difficult. It’s like she didn’t want to come out.  After another 45 minutes of pushing I just wanted to give up.

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