Chapter 77

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Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn Palace


The first thing Reian saw when he opened his eyes was Jin Songcai. Naturally, the boy assumed that he was dreaming.

He's back in my dreams, that's a good sign I guess...

Wen Reian hadn't even realised he had moved until the healer's bright blue eyes flickered to him, Songcai being startled by Reian's hand reaching out for him.

I've missed you, I missed when everything was good-

Songcai blinked, then a brilliant smile brightened his face, such a look of relief that Reian felt his breath halt in his throat.

"Wen Reian," the man sighed. "Welcome back."

It was several moments later that Reian realised the heaviness he felt on top of him wasn't all in his head, and was in fact because Xie Yi-jun was asleep on his stomach, fingers loosely gripping at Reian's clothes.

Frowning, the boy looked to Songcai again.

"This..." Reian's voice felt incredibly hoarse and uncomfortable-

"This isn't a dream?"

Jin Songcai chuckled softly and Reian realised that he'd never before felt like this in any of his dreams; like Songcai's aura was so tangible around him. It was astoundingly gorgeous...

The healer's laugh had stirred the King from sleep, Reian immediately meeting eyes with Xie Yi-jun and finally understanding when he saw his face, that this was indeed real.

"Wen Rei-"

Yi-jun gasped, suddenly grabbing Reian and yanking him up into his arms. The boy didn't know why but he felt as if all his energy had been sapped out of him, his entire body feeling limp as the King squeezed him far too tight.

"You're okay!" Yi-jun hugged him so hard Reian winced, but then when he released him, the boy felt an ache in his heart like he wouldn't mind being suffocated a little longer...

"How do you feel?!" The King was searching his eyes, so Reian forced out a few weak words in response;

"Mostly confused..."

Yi-jun grinned and Reian watched as a single tear fell from his eye. Just then, the King's gaze flew to Songcai, who was standing over the bed Reian was in and staring at them both fondly.

"Jin-cai promised to explain everything, as soon as you were awake. I, for one, can't wait to hear any explanation!"

Reian blinked, going from looking at Yi-jun to Jin Songcai and back again...

"It..." the boy swallowed. "It worked-"

"Both of you! Answers. Now!" The King demanded.

Songcai smiled. "Very well. Reian, lay back down, you're still weak."

After Yi-jun helped him, they all waited patiently for the healer to begin. Wen Reian listened intently to his voice, watching the way the King hung on Songcai's every word. Their three souls fluttered shyly and joyfully as one, greeting each other more and more as every minute passed.

"It was after a particularly gruesome battle," Songcai frowned. "I realized it was quite possible that we were going to lose the war."

Xie Yi-jun and Wen Reian were both silent, the King seeming to recall...

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