Chapter 21

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Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


<Hot Springs>

Reian would have been content to rest there in the water for half the day... the heat and steam relaxing him to the point where Xie De had to wake him up several times over the course of an hour. Jin Yu was sulking in the deepest part of the spring, just his eyes and nose peeking out.

Xie De was grinning at him, "Look at A'Yu... he's all grown up and doesn't want us to see him naked!"

Reian rolled his eyes as Xie De continued pestering the younger one-

"I'll have you know! Up until you were eight years old, you would run around the dorms without trousers, and I put up with it all!"

Wen Rei smiled when A'Yu splashed Xie De. The two began to fight each other, Xie De crying out while A'Yu sent water droplets all the way onto Reian's face.

Xie De gasped in mock surprise and raised a finger, strands of damp black hair falling into his eyes-

"How dare you?! A'Yu, Reian and I are your seniors, you must respect us! Isn't that true Wen Rei?"

Reian grinned and then made a quick non-verbal pact with his little brother. The two of them only had to lock eyes with each other before launching a joint attack upon their eldest.

"Ahh!!" Xie De screamed, raising his arms uselessly as Reian and Jin Yu pelted him with handfuls of water.


Reian giggled.... the three of them flapped around like that for several minutes, kicking and slapping and sending up tall sprays of steam and droplets. Even Jin Yu was laughing, each of them enjoying being together on such a beautiful day. The sound of approaching footsteps, and a soft clearing of the throat pulled the boys from their fun.

Reian watched as Xie De and Jin Yu immediately ceased moving, their eyes lowering. Jin Yu blushed bright red, and when Reian glanced up to the bank he realized why...

"Don't mind me," Yi-jun said.

Though it was difficult not to mind him. Not only were the three young disciples very nervous around the man in the first place, but to make matters worse, none of the boys were wearing an inch of clothing.

Reian's eyes widened even more when Xie Yi-jun began untying the sash at his waist, taking off his outer robes. Both Xie De and Jin Yu turned around, not daring to look... Wen Rei couldn't help but stare.

Yi-jun paid him no mind at all, laying those clothes neatly on the ground, and then removing his shirt as well. Reian realised with a nervous swallow that he'd accidentally been caught staring. The King's dark eyes fixed upon his own, and for several seconds the boy thought maybe Xie Yi-jun knew what he was thinking...

That would be incredible, since my mind feels as empty as a corrier's nest-

Reian only got a few more moments to study Yi-jun's upper body, before the man suddenly dove into the pool. Ripples sending the water higher, Reian swayed, eyes still affixed to the King as he swam underwater for a while, resurfacing several feet away with his dark brown hair suddenly darker and untangled from its messy braid.

Xie Yi-jun didn't look at them as he said softly, "Feel free to continue. I'll be finished in a moment..."

Reian had no idea what he was supposed to do. Close by, Xie De and Jin Yu stared awkwardly at the King's back as he washed himself, neither of them uttering a word.

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