Chapter 45

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Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


<Xie Yi-jun's Room>

Reian stirred slowly, his mind only semi-aware of the fact that he didn't feel light on his face coming in through the windows. What caught his attention next was the overwhelming warmth, not just around his body but in his heart. Thinking back, he'd actually had the best night's sleep in a while, which surprised him because he couldn't remember how late he'd left Yi-jun's room last night...

Yi-jun's room... Xie Yi-jun!

Opening his eyes, Wen Reian barely managed to silence his gasp of surprise when he realised Yi-jun was still asleep. Right. Beside. Him. Heart lurching and mind blank, it was several moments of confusion before Reian understood the true scope of his ordeal.

Not only was he lying half-undressed in Xie Yi-jun's bed, but he was also tangled up inside the man's arms, pressed against him so hard that Reian's face turned bright red in an instant. The knowledge that Yi-jun was hugging him securely to his chest was awkward enough, but Reian nearly wanted to jump away in terror as he felt his body's immediate reaction upon waking this close to the King.

No! Not now! I'd rather wake up in my own bed and have Xie De tease me! Please, let this be a dream-

When Reian blinked again, his breath froze in his lungs when he saw the pair of dark eyes watching him with utmost interest. Xie Yi-jun seemed half-awake, but as he took in their position, his arms around Reian's shoulders, their chests pressed together and Yi-jun's leg between both of Reian's, the King's eyebrows rose.

"Hello there..." he blinked, voice deep. "I don't seem to recall how this... happened-"

Reian could hardly breathe so he just stayed silent. How was he supposed to pull away from the man when any movement was sure to alert him of Reian's... situation?!

It was Yi-jun who moved first, only pulling his arms away and letting Reian somewhat escape his hold. Not daring to go any further and still unsure what to say, the boy was more than grateful when Xie Yi-jun chuckled and muttered tiredly;

"Don't worry Reian. I didn't want to wake you, it's okay."

The boy swallowed...

Xie Yi-jun seemed to peer closer at him. Into his eyes-

"You don't have to look so nervous. I didn't do anything,"

Reian wanted to say, no of course not! I know you didn't do anything, you're not that kind of person!

But apparently the first words to leave his lips were the following;

"My clothes?"

Xie Yi-jun thought for a moment.

"Ah! Right, they're here, let me just-"

When he went to pull away, Reian inhaled sharply as Yi-jun's thigh rubbed against his groin. Jerking back as if he'd been hit, the boy realized in that moment that the King had felt it too and was looking at him in clear shock.

Mortified and unsure what to do, Wen Rei grabbed one of the pillows and buried his face in it, wishing he could wake up from this nightmare already. It was several minutes later, but when he finally couldn't breathe and had to lift his head, he saw that Xie Yi-jun had gone! He'd gotten dressed silently, and left!

The Stone King's Lover (石王的愛)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora