Knave landed hard on a couch. With horror, he realized he was back at Luna's house.

"Did it work?" Asked Mike. All his friends, including Luna, were hovering over him.

Only Mendaline remained sitting on one of the couches, sipping tea from a cup. "Obviously not!" She said, as Knave sat up with a groan. "If he had, he would've returned smiling, not looking as if someone has just ripped his heart out!"

Knave looked at her. "Quite observant, aren't you?"

Mendaline shrugged. "Can't help it!" She looked at him. "But I am right, aren't I?"

Knave started to contemplate what their chances would be at killing Cora without the help of an egoistic witch.

"Knave, what happened there?" Asked Mike hurriedly, seeing Knave's expression.

"Tristan happened!" Snapped Knave. He got up angrily. "Alice remembered me! She said she could see me in her dreams!" He looked at Mike. "I was so close to telling Alice about Cora, but that idiot appeared and ruined everything!" Knave kicked the floor. "I failed!"

"You don't fail as long as you are breathing." Said Mendaline. She had put her cup aside, and was now examining her nails. "It's just a sign that there is going to be a next chance!"

When Knave said nothing, she got up and walked towards him. "You did say she remembered you, didn't she?" Said Mendaline, sounding uncharacteristically gentle. Knave nodded. 

Mendaline smiled. "That means there is a chance she might remember everything on her own." She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Trust me, there will be a way out!"

"Can you not give me a few more minutes with Alice?" Asked Knave, his voice breaking.

He supposed he must be looking in so much pain, because Mendaline looked away. As if she could not bear to see him any longer. "I am afraid not!" She replied slowly. "I may be powerful, but whenever it comes to Cora I realize how useless my powers can be!" She gave a dead laugh. "Or me for that matter."

"You are not useless and neither are your powers!" Said Charlie. Mendaline looked at him with a little surprise, but said nothing.

"So now what?" Asked Luna. "If Alice does not remember everything before the power of the golden locket fades, she would never be able to defend herself from Cora."

"Then we only have one option left." Said Knave.

"What?" Asked Mike.

"Kill Cora before she tries and harms Alice!" He said, getting up. Before anyone could say anything else, Knave was gone.

"Is it possible that somehow I am sleepwalking too?" Asked Tristan.

"And seeing the same things I am?" Asked Alice. "Yeah sure Tristan, that's a thing!" 

They sat side to side on the bed, looking at where Knave had been standing just a few minutes ago.

"What if we're possessed and the boy is an evil spirit?" Suggested Tristan.

Alice took a deep breath, trying not to snap at him. She knew how he was feeling. He was probably terrified. Should she be feeling terrified too? All she felt was disappointment at not getting a chance to talk to Knave. They were still so many questions she wanted to ask him. And what had he said?

"You do love me!"

Alice closed her eyes. How could she not remember falling in love?

"What if the chocolates we had this afternoon were spiked?" Said Tristan, breaking her thoughts.

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