Chapter Nine

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The gurgle and pop of the lava echoed throughout the enchanted forest as it exploded out of the volcano.
Terror seized me as I stood there frozen unable to move or run. My eyes widened as I watched the hot bubbly lava float down the sides of the volcano.
"Run Amaya!" Hayden yelled next to me, "Don't just stand there run!"
Picking up my cream color gown I ran with a burst of speed that I didn't know I had. Hayden scooped up Elowen's small frame in his arms and ran with her.
I stumbled several times from my heels, wincing as I tried not to think of how much it hurt to run right now. It was either run or die from the smothering hot lava and I'll rather run till my feet were raw and bleeding than die. My heart pounded in my chest from running and my lungs felt like they were on fire from the thick smoke and ash that hung in the sky blocking out any chance of fresh air.
Somewhere between running I had lost my heel, so I kicked my other one off and ran barefoot. My gown flew out behind me as I ran, I turned to look back at Hayden who ran with Elowen in his arms the lava was catching up to us. My curly blond hair got in my face as I turned to look at him.
  "Don't look back! Run! Run!" Hayden commanded as he ran.
An earth quake shook the ground causing us to freeze in our tracks. The dirt ground cracked and broke into several different puzzle pieces which slowly started to move underneath us revealing an ocean of hot lava below the dirt. I stared numbly down at the orange ocean wondering how much longer our piece of land would last before the lava would break the dirt to pieces and burn us.
"Amaya! Quick jump to the next piece of land before it moves to far away!" Hayden ordered.
I stared ahead to the next spot of the dirt which the lava ocean had separated from us so that we floated on a dirt island. "Are you crazy?!" I shouted to be heard over the volcano as it erupted. There must have been at least a three feet of lava in between the two lands.
Hayden put Elowen down on the ground, without answering me he backed up and took a running jump towards the ocean of lava.
"Hayden! NOOOO!" I screamed watching him fly through the air. He landed with a thud on the other side rolling across the dirt, before standing up. He turned to face me, "Don't think about the lava Amaya, just jump. Elowen you can do this too." He held his arms outright, "I'll catch you."
Elowen gulped she walked as far back as she could to give her power in her jump. Then she ran; jumping at the last moment. She made a garbled sound of a scream as she fell through the air.
Just as promised Hayden caught her in his arms and sat her quickly on the secure dirt ground. He turned back to me, "Now your turn."
Easy for him to say, now the ocean of lava had pull the two pieces of land further apart. Now there was at least five feet between us. My hands shook, I was surrounded by lava. If I didn't jump, it wouldn't take long for the lava to break down the piece of land I was standing on. Hayden was right, I couldn't think of the lava, I couldn't even take the time to think, with every moment I stood there I was wasting precious time. Gathering up my courage I backed up till I had no more dirt behind me with lava behind me and lave in front of me I ran full fledge towards Hayden, I jumped with all the strength I had. I could feel the heat of the lava underneath me as I fell through the air. I wasn't going to make it, I wasn't. That hopelessness of knowing the land was too far away and all that was left was the lava. I let out an ear splintering scream.
"NO!" Hayden shouted he stood closest to the edge that he could without falling in himself. He snatched my wrists digging his nails into my skin to hold on to me. He turned to throw me onto the dirt. But not before the ends of my gown had made contact with the one thousand three hundred degree lava ocean.
I screamed as the ends of my gown burst into flames that traveled up my gown. My legs burned from the heat and I kicked wildly to smother the flames. Hayden reacted quickly with Elowen beside me throwing cold dirt on me and batting the flames with Hayden's black leather vest that he had removed. I gasped for air coughing and choking on the ash that floated down from the sky. 
Once the flames were smothered smoke rose from the ends of my gown that was now an ugly black. It smelled awful too. Hayden dropped to my side cupping my cheeks with his hands, "Are you okay?"
I sobbed wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. I trembled as we held onto each other. My knees down felt like they were on fire, they stung and burn so badly I wasn't sure if I could continue running. Hayden pulled away to check my legs out. He closed his eyes as he looked at my raw, burnt and bleeding legs that stretched from my knees all the way to the tip top of my toes. Even Elowen turned her head away so she couldn't see.
I reached my hand out shaking terrible as I hovered my hand over my injured legs. I could still feel the heat from the lava radiating off it. We had no more mermaid oil, what was going to happen to me? How could I possibly live with scarred legs, or would they have to be cut off removed from my body? Would I even be able to walk again? I sobbed "My legs." I cried, "They hurt so much." I said repeatedly unable to think. My brain felt overloaded and on fire with my legs. "I'm gonna, die, I'm gonna die, I don't want to loose my legs." I cried.
Hayden ripped my gown so that the burnt part was off. Now instead of a floor length gown it stopped just above my knees. He looked at the lava that was swiftly moving all around us, then up at the volcano that was still erupting fresh lava, "I know, I know." He turned to Elowen who clutched his arm fearfully while I continued to cry and shake uncontrollably, "She's going into shock, Elowen, can you run with me? I have to carry her we can't stay here." Elowen nodded sharply, "That's a good girl." Hayden said.
I must have blacked out from the trauma, or the lack of fresh air, or both. All I could remember was Hayden's strong arms around me, and the burning sensation in my legs that never went away. Even blacking out didn't take the pain away. I constantly felt like I was on fire, like every part of me was burning in this huge fireplace back in the palace. I tossed and turned as sweat pored down my face. Then I started feeling cold, like the sweet delicious ice cream that always gave me a brain freeze if I ate it too fast. Cold water ran across my forehead and I gasped my eyes opening wide. I was nearly blinded as sunlight shined down on grains of sand that stretched as far as the eye could see before meeting up with the salt water ocean that teased the sand with each wave it brought in. A chilly ocean wind blew across the horizon brining the smell of salt water to my nostrils.
Elowen sat beside me placing cool wet green seaweed all over my body. I tried to sit up but she held up her hands in front of me pushing me gently back down to the cold sand.
I sighed as she removed some seaweed that had dried up, and gently placed another wet cool one across my body. "El—-Elowen." I managed to speak my voice raspy. "Where——Where are we?" I asked as she continued to lay wet cool seaweed on my skin that's when I noticed the strips of seaweed was all that I was wearing. Heat of embarrassment rushed to my cheeks. Even though my boobs and private parts were covered with seaweed I felt self conscious and covered my boobs with my arms.
Elowen stopped lathering me with seaweed to communicate with her hands. She picked up a handful of sand and held it up while she pointed out to the ocean.
I nodded, "Yes I know we're at a beach, but why? The Great Wizard's cottage is nowhere near the ocean, which means we're days out of our journey." I paused looking up at the sun to tell the time. By how high the sun was it was mid afternoon, "How long was I out for?" I asked watching Elowen check my seaweed covered legs for any dry pieces to replace with wet ones.
Slowly Elowen counted in her head then she held up two fingers.
"Two days?!" I gasped feeling drained and disappointment. If I was out for two days, and the hike to the beach had to be at least a day journey itself, that means we were three days behind. We should have been at the Great Wizard's cottage by now. Although I was grateful for Elowen and Hayden for supplying me with seaweed to lower my fever and taking the heat from the lava from my legs. They saved my life no doubt, but this has also has taken us days out of our journey, and that meant days till I saw my baby girl again, plus I told Dylan it wouldn't take long. He would be expecting me back soon. "Elowen can I have my dress please." I motioned to my gown that laid off to the side.
She hesitated, but finally gave in and handed me the gown. I was able to toss the the seaweed off my breast, arms, and torso rather quickly, I didn't want to sit here naked and exposed for longer than I needed to in case Hayden returned. I paused as I looked down at the green seaweed that covered my burned legs. Slowly I picked up the edge of a piece of seaweed. I hadn't seen my legs since they were severely burnt after the lava had caught the end of my gown on fire in the enchanted forest. Slowly I pulled the piece of seaweed off. I covered my mouth fighting back a painful scream as my legs stung as they were exposed to the heat of the sun. Tears stung my eyes with each seaweed I pulled off my legs. Finally they were off and I slipped my gown over my head before looking down at my scared legs. From my knees down to my toes were covered in a light pink skin. Scarred swirls could be seen on my legs, and they felt dry and tight like they were clothes being stretched out on a wringer to dry. I winced as I slowly moved my legs, "Where is Hayden?" I asked.
Elowen pointed off towards a sand dune. She held out her hands as she helped me stand. I hobbled and slowly walked with Elowen's help stopping every now and then to rest. My legs ached and burned from the heat of the sun. Some seaweed on my legs sure felt nice at the moment, but I had to see Hayden. We had to get moving.
Once we climbed to the top of the sand dune I felt like we were on top of the world and could see miles in all directions. The ocean stretched as far as I could see towards the right with the sandy beach stretching all along it running for miles and miles. Off the the left way in the distance I could make out some trees and greenery. I understood Hayden wanted to help my legs heal. He probably knew seaweed would take the heat out of them and help me, but what else were we here for?
Elowen tugged on my gown which now was knee high thanks to Hayden ripping off the scorch burnt ends. I followed her finger as she pointed off to where I could see Hayden crouching down beside a rocky shore. His hands rested on his knee and he was talking to a beautiful girl with long red wavy hair.
Angry jealously fumed inside me from seeing Hayden talking to another woman. She looked so perfect with her clear beautiful complexion, green full eyes, and healthy long hair. I shouldn't be so envious of her and Hayden especially since here I was married to a king and had child. Even though my baby was really Hayden's. A green tail emerged from the water covered in scales and simmering in the sunlight before lowing back down into the water by the woman. My eyes widened she was a mermaid! "Let's go." I said to Elowen I grimaced as I sat down on the hot sand. Using our hands to give us a boost we slid down the side of the sand dunes.
Once we were at the bottom Elowen helped me stand and we made our way over to Hayden and the mermaid that sat in the shallow water on a rock. Hayden laughed and smiled at something she said, then he saw us and quickly stood to his feet brushing off his black jeans.
I pasted a fake smile to my face, "Getting pretty friendly with a mermaid are we?" I asked trying to hide the jealousy in my voice. Now that I was closer I could see the mermaid not only had a clear complexion and beautiful red hair, but she also had full pink lips and no top covering her breasts. Her back was completely bare and naked with just her fiery red wavy locks covering her front, which one gust of wind could easily push away to reveal her breasts, but the mermaid didn't seem to care. She sat there in the shallow water looking me over as well, she seemed to be really interested in watching my legs. No doubt my legs looked hideous from all the burns and scars.
Hayden came over to me looking me over carefully, "Are you alright?" He looked over at Elowen, "I thought I told you to keep her laying down with seaweed on her legs." Elowen shrugged her small shoulders and Hayden sighed looking down at my legs, "You need to lay down, it's not good for you to be up walking yet."
"No, I'm not going to lay down while you flirt with a mermaid, we need to continue our journey." I spoke firmly.
"I'm not flirting!" Hayden argued, "I'm negotiating with this fish, before I hang her by her tail and take some mermaid oil from her myself."
The mermaid seemed unmoved by his threat, in fact she looked bored as she studied her nails. "I told you my bargain." She said airily.
Hayden turned to face her his face darkening. "It's not going to happen."
Confused at what was going on I looked from the mermaid to Hayden. I stepped back from Hayden's arm, "What's going on Hayden? What does she want?"
The mermaid placed her hands down on the rock pleased that I was interested in what was going on. "Are you going to tell her, or should I?"
Hayden looked away from me, staring down at the gritty sand his long black hair getting in his face, "You." He looked up at me pushing his hair out of his face so that I could lock eyes with those handsome brown eyes of his, "You, She wants you Amaya"

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