Chapter Five

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We walked for so long along the dirt path I started regretting wearing my five inch heels. My feet ached so much with each step I took was like needles going into my feet. I regretted living the carriage behind and wished I had stand my ground and convinced Hayden into taking it. Not only would it had been comfortable traveling in, but it also would have taken some time off of our journey.
"We'll stop here for the night." Hayden announced glancing at the sun that was going down, "It's getting dark I'll go look for some wood to start a fire." Without another word he left Elowen and me on the path while he went off into the path towards some berry bushes to pick up some sticks.
I sighed with relief kicking off my heels. "Here Elowen let's divide the food up, we need enough for two or three days it's hard telling when we'll get to the Wizard's cottage but hopefully it won't be longer than that." Together we sat down and sorted through the dry fruits and meat that the chief had packed us.
I winced rubbing my sore feet.
Hayden came back with a handful of sticks, he stopped noticing me rubbing my feet, "Is there a problem?" He asked.
Quickly I dropped my foot not wanting to give in and let him know that he was right that I shouldn't have wore heels, "No, no problem at all." I said coldly brushing my hands together. Elowen glanced from Hayden to me and simply shook her head.
Hayden shrugged and dropping the sticks to the ground he started to build a fire which he had done in no time with flames a moving every which way as the wind pushed them. We sat around it keeping warm from the cool night's air.
A wolf howled in the distance and Elowen jumped scooting herself closer to me. "Shhh it's okay." I said gently patting her back comforting, "Look up at the stars they're easier to see out here in the big world." I whispered to distract her, "Some people thinks the stars are people that pass away, and when we die we become a star."
Elowen gazed at me wide eye with fascination. She pointed to herself and then up at the dark blanket sky filled with twinkling stars.
I smiled, "Mmm even you could be a star in the sky someday."
She smiled and gazed up at the thousands of stars the wolf completely forgotten.
Hayden watched me interact with Elowen. The fire light dancing  on his face in the darkness.
When Elowen had fallen asleep I covered her with my cloak that I had worn for warmth. I looked up to catch Hayden's eyes as he sat on the opposite side of the fire, "What?" I asked.
"How do you know what she's saying all the time?"
"She's really good with her hands moving them, and I guess I've just gotten used to it." I smiled at the sleeping girl, "She has such a beautiful sweet voice, always kind and curious." I whispered quietly.
"So she used to talk?" Hayden asked. "What happen to her?"
"She knew too much apparently." I choked out feeling the memory come back, "Who knew a child could ever know too much."
Hayden didn't say anything else and I was thankful. I really didn't feel like telling him tonight. I was starting to miss my little girl and wishing I had her in my arms, even though I knew she was safer with Tallulah than on a crazy adventure with me.
"We should be at our first Enchanted Forest by midday tomorrow." Hayden said as we watched the flames in the fire.
I cleared my throat nervously, "What Enchanted Forest would that be?"
Hayden pulled out his map to take a look, "The Enchanted Forest of Regret." He said slowly as he read his map, He glanced up at me from the map staring at me with such a deep intense look, "Is there anything that you regret, Princess?"
I thought back on everything that has happened. What haven't I regretted? I regret my mother dying by my father's hand, I regret having a curse of unhappiness even though I had broke it because it stoled so much of my life from me, I regret Hayden dying, and for being so quick to move on and marry Dylan. Most of all I regret not being there for Elowen when she needed me the most. I shook my head staring down at the dirt path. I fingered some dust between my fingers, "No, there's nothing I regret." I whispered.
"Are you sure about that?" He questioned.
I looked up at him looking him squarely in his eyes, "Yes I'm sure there's nothing I regret." I said defensively. "Let's get some rest we have a long trip ahead of us." I turned so that my back was to Hayden and laid down beside Elowen so that we could share my cloak.

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