Chapter Three

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Bright and early the next morning before the sun had even begun to peek over the mountains I woke up. Being careful not to disturb Dylan who was still asleep I crept over to our giant walk in closet. I was worried if he woke he might change his mind about me traveling with Hayden, or worse he'll want to know where we were going.

I fingered the soft gowns in my hands as I walked along deciding what to wear. I didn't want to wear the clothes the Great Wizard had gave me which were the red leather jeans, with the cotton shirt that tied in a crisscross pattern across my chest, and had a matching red leather vest. Even though it was comfortable for traveling I didn't want to be reminded of the times we traveled together before Hayden's death. My hands stoped at a sleeveless gown with a soft creamy color. The gown's skirt at two layers a silky layer underneath and a thin sheer layer on top. I slipped into the gown tying the sash behind me into a bow. Slowly I twirled around in front of the full length mirror with the gold trim. The bust hugged my waist showing how tiny I was and the skirt of the gown flew out around me and felt light like a feather when I twirled. For good measure I slipped on a pair of five inch heels that were the same creamy color as the gown.

Once I was dressed I made my way to the nursery. My baby stirred as I picked her up, "Shhh." I whispered comforting her in my arms. I dress Jessamine in a simple light blue cotton dress so that if anyone else was to look at her she'll look just like a commoner.

My daughter tucked safely in one hand I picked up my burlap sack and swung it on my shoulders.

Hayden glanced up at me as I made my way down the marble staircase to the foyer were he was waiting for me. He wore the same black leather pants, with the black cotton shirt and matching black leather vest. "Are you sure gong on a trip and not to a fancy ball princess?" He asked looking over my attire. "Remember the last time you wore five inch heels and they cut into your feet?"

"This gown is very comfortable I'll be fine." I said airily.

He shrugged, "Suit yourself." He followed me as I led the way towards the royal stables.

I patted my burlap sack that I carried, "The royal chief made us some dried food for the journey."

"Sounds good to me." He murmured as he glanced around at the fancy wood carvings and marble flooring.

Just then Elowen ran up to us as fast as she could. She ran in front of me and grabbed my gown with her hands she shook her head frantically. She opened her mouth to speak but knowing no words would come out since she didn't have a tongue she closed her mouth and hung on to me tighter.

Hayden frown placing a hand on his sword that hung on his belt. "What is it."

I touched the trembling servant girl's small shoulders and looked into her frightened eyes. I took a deep breath knowing what she was trying to tell me. I turned to Hayden, "I can't leave her here."

Hayden laughed as if I was joking then stopped when he saw that I was serious, "But... but she's just a servant girl." He sputtered not understanding.

"HMPH!" Elowen made a noise and with a stomp of her foot she stomped right on Hayden's foot.

"Ahhggh!" Hayden winced in pain grabbing his foot with his hands.

"Elowen be nice." I retorted sternly to the small girl. "Please Hayden, I can't leave her here, she needs me. I promised to protect her."

"Okay... Okay the child can come." He winced still rubbing his foot.

Elowen beamed happily and skipped down the long hallway ahead of us.

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