Miraculous (Sneak Peak/Oneshot?)

Start from the beginning

(Sorry if that's the wrong translation for Clumsy.)

"Just wait, Y/n. Payback will be given tenfold." She said as she dealt with the issue. Chat and Y/n eventually got the school and Chat smiled at him. He gave Y/n some finger guns.

"Alright, Y/n! Take care of yourself now! I don't want to see you in trouble again at least until a month from now." He said and he launched himself away. Y/n shook his head with a laugh and went behind the school.

"Luckily, I've got the time to spare." Y/n says as a tiny black creature flys out of his jacket.

"I would hurry over there if I were you. I don't think they can hold out much longer." The creature said as Y/n smirks.

"I know so let's go! Luuma, Shine on!" Y/n said as his necklace glows. The creature is seen getting sucked into it before Y/n transformed.

Chat was using Cataclysm on a charm around the human. A butterfly flew out but before Ladybug could catch it, another human appeared. Chat looked at Ladybug. "Ladybug! Watch out!!"

"Huh?!" She looked up and tried to yo-yo away but she was too slow. The hand came down on her and the shadow looked over her. "Ahg-! Huh?"

"Always getting to trouble without me, eh Ladybug?"


"Let's get this done with quickly..." Y/n says to them as Chat takes out his staff and Ladybug takes out her yo-yo. Y/n took out two disks that stuck to his hand.

"Right!" They say as they all take on the threat. To explain just why Paris is the way it is now, we have to go back in time. To see where it began.

(Rewind brought to you by Chat and Firefly giving a challenging smile towards one another)

A boy groaned and hit his alarm clock off. "This isn't the day."

Y/n slowly gets up out of bed and rubbed his eyes. He looks at the apartment he had, seems like he's always been ready to wake up everyday. Y/n smiles and hops right in the air. Y/n jumps too high and hits his head on the ceiling. It seems he couldn't control his strength in that brief moment. Not your fault, first day of school. Y/n brushed his teeth and looked at his back, he was originally...no, I won't tell you that just yet. Maybe his first day back to high school wouldn't be so bad. Sure you didn't grow up in Paris but maybe being a transfer isn't so bad. "Whatever, let's try and not think about it any further. I need to take a shower."

Y/n got up and took a shower. A quick one as he knew he didn't have much time for leeway. He got out the shower, made some breakfast, and made it on his way to school. He was walking when he noticed an old man who was homeless. He was begging for food and everyone was just passing him. Y/n took out his wallet and checked the money in it. He then walked up to the man. "Hey, do you want me to go get you some food? What would you like?"

"Really?! You'd do that... for a pathetic guy like me?" He belittled himself and Y/n put his hand on his shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong I'm asking for help. We're all... human." Y/n say as he thinks about something.

"May I have a croissant?" The man said as Y/n rose an eyebrow.

"That's all you want? I can get you more." Y/n asked him as he just laughed.

"No, I'm fine. If you could get me that, the. I should be okay." He says as Y/n nodded. Y/n still had to get used to these streets, he pulled out his phone to try and figure out where the nearest bakery is.

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